SO2 and water creates sulfuric acid, as used in your car. Very corrosive. They are doing this in Mexico and have plans to use large balloons to increase the payloads. This needs to stop. It is insane. Global warm temps are the best of times. The ice ages are the worst as there is less food and more misery.
Exactly, it turns into clouds of sulfuric acid which is literally battery acid. It is a very corrosive chemical. If you spill some on your clothes, it eats away and leaves holes. This will rain down on earth damaging plants and being toxic to people.
Absolutely insane that they are putting this in the air.
Once you have heat, you will no longer like the cold. Esp when you have nothing to eat. Sweden's climate is moderated by the gulf stream, Iceland's by geothermal. Canada has little of that but for the sw coastal region.
On a global basis ice ages are quite detrimental to all creatures.
I read it's like the elites' dream since ever, to be the Master of weather; I read they are actually doing it: to me they completely lost their link with reality and people's lives. They are now beyond psychopathology.
Back in the 60s and 70s and 80s there was a big push to reduce atmospheric pollution by those same chemicals because they caused acid rain! It was a very real thing that killed aquatic life in freshwater lakes, weakened and killed trees and damaged buildings. The pollution that caused acid rain has been dramatically reduced in the US, Canada and Europe, but is increasing in other areas. Some institutions still cover their statues and outdoor artwork to protect them from damage caused by acid rain! How can this spraying of chemicals in the atmosphere be a good thing? They must not be aware of the history or don't care.
That was my first thought. In their zealous efforts; they are forgetting the evil effects and only looking at it through the eyes of control & greed. I’m sure this CEO is pulling in massive amounts of money from Gates, EU, and WEF. All of these elitists monsters only see💰-- they don’t care about the human race.
Its not just a toxic chemical, its a nanoparticle that can travel through the blood and brain barrier, accumulate in certain organs, can work in synergy with other nanoparticles, some also increase ROS by itself and with the exposure of EMF...
They have been doing this for decades. I think its a cover up the the name of Green.
Btw. There are emerging studies on the role of accumulated nanoparticles in the atmosphere. Ive posted on on nanoparticles and more intense thunder. Go check the link in comment
I’m old enough to remember when climatologists proposed dumping soot on the Arctic icecap to absorb the sun’s heat to prevent catastrophic global cooling. Clowns.
“They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve.”
Rank insanity. The same medical establishment telling me not to smoke is trying to pump an untested spike protein in my arm + not utter a peep about a resumption of global gas warfare.
Every day I see the solar radiation management spraying irregardless of whether the temperature is in the hot range or well below freezing. So it’s not about temperature regulation then as it wouldn’t be spewing out from under the wings of planes nearly every single day. They spray when it’s during the summer dry months or even DURING rainstorms.
It was a sometimes thing before Convid began. But after there’s sometimes 6 planes above me busy making mist. Now since WEF Satanist (named own company after Crawley’s religion), Cabbalist (red twine around wrist) Riches Sunak was installed, after destroying the economy so successfully, THERE ARE BLACK LINES TOO.
What’s black? Coal dust. Graphene.
I suspect it’s to engineer mass harvest failures and polluting water sources.
Making acid rain to boot will just kill off even the trees.
Ps I’ve seen oak trees going brown in summer and even that prolific hardy headache grouse browning.
I have a daily photo log. It’s my largest album. Even bigger then grandchildrens’ one!
Thing is, this isn't being sprayed from planes. They are releasing it into the atmosphere with weather baloons. The contrails you see from airplanes is not this stuff.
You my friend are SPOT ON.... I also take photo's every day and have done for a few years... I was told about these trails 9 years ago by an old professor (since dead) but most of the people he told laughed at him, not I.... I also have seen huge willow trees die within a few months and many others dead.. the insects have almost disappeared from my garden so I am feeding the birds daily even-during the summer months... it's heartbreaking.
Yep, driving over the reservoir my windshield was coated with flying insects and now I hardly ever need to scrape them off.
Thing is I live between two bird sanctuaries and with such a pronounced reduction in insects for food, what’s the point of the bird places?
As for it’s just contrails, I see them too, they disappear but these last for hours. Highly heated water vapour like from a kettle do not remain all day in the kitchen!
Truth be told, if they don't stop, insects, plant life will be completely dead within 8 years or so. No insects, plant life etc. = no humans. WE NEED TO STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!!
Yes very sad with respect to wildlife...regards to the vapour trails they as you know are full of chemicals to weaken our immune system... I live by the ocean in Rock Cornwall U.K and all my neighbours have got some sort of virus that descended on us 2 days before Christmas... how very odd is that? it's another way of a "lockdown" these sick demons will never give in. Now the world is full of their man made cretins, brainwashed by the media and their even more sick governments. BTW... many thanks for replying.
I have been posting this for 2 years... I have photo's taken from my garden with the sky full of these trails... some even blocking the sun... last year on here I commented on this subject and was called an idiot and to get a life ! To date I have most of my neighbors taking photo's of them, the sky is alight with crazy jigsaws of trails every day.I now have photo's of Angela Merkal and some others in the hold of an aircraft full of these toxic drums with the men ready to fire them. I am banned for life on twitter for showing them.
This is insane. Didn’t we just implement a huge and expensive program to refit all diesel engines to use low sulfur fuel and DEF to REDUCE sulfur emissions? And now someone is being paid to dumping huge amounts into the air? Thanks for sharing, I had not heard of this before.
You tell me fossil fuels are killing the planet and everyone must go solar. Solar cars, solar homes, solar everything. So I spend $100k on fucking solar for my house. And now, even before the installation is finished, they start trying to block out the sun... the ONE THING that powers my new solar panels...
What kind of 💩 for 🧠 ass 🤡 decided this would be ok?! 😡
weather manipulation has been going on for many years. Those “oh so gorgeous” sunsets are due to barium, aluminum & strontium. And then there is HAARP—weather weaponry.There were “Look Up”!!! protests across the globe—most Americans looked the other direction. Old movies were altered to show the “lines in the skies” normalizing fake clouds. It’s a smh moment when people post photos of “gorgeous amazing technicolor dream chemical trails” layered upon layer. Suggest you contact Dane Wigginton. He’ll tell you who the players have been & are…especially a certain monster at Harvard.
Truth be told, if they don't stop, insects, plant life will be completely dead within 8 years or so. No insects, plant life etc. = no humans. WE NEED TO STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!!
SO2 and water creates sulfuric acid, as used in your car. Very corrosive. They are doing this in Mexico and have plans to use large balloons to increase the payloads. This needs to stop. It is insane. Global warm temps are the best of times. The ice ages are the worst as there is less food and more misery.
So how do we stop it?????
Exactly, it turns into clouds of sulfuric acid which is literally battery acid. It is a very corrosive chemical. If you spill some on your clothes, it eats away and leaves holes. This will rain down on earth damaging plants and being toxic to people.
Absolutely insane that they are putting this in the air.
Track down producers and look into the annual report for more details on their activities. Have they increased exponentially?
That's the thing: Warm equals prosperity, cold equals starvation. It is demonic, plain and simple.
I love the crisp cold winter actually...As long as you can handle it, it is fine!
Look .up GeoEngeeringwatch .org org they have been spraying us for years look at the film on the website the Dimming
Once you have heat, you will no longer like the cold. Esp when you have nothing to eat. Sweden's climate is moderated by the gulf stream, Iceland's by geothermal. Canada has little of that but for the sw coastal region.
On a global basis ice ages are quite detrimental to all creatures.
It gets warm in the summer here and cold in the winter. I like both.
I don’t rheumatoid arthritis is extremely painful
This is criminal
They are polluting the air for us. Very criminal indeed.
I read it's like the elites' dream since ever, to be the Master of weather; I read they are actually doing it: to me they completely lost their link with reality and people's lives. They are now beyond psychopathology.
They want to control everything from your private life to the weather.
yes. it's all about controlling us and unleashing themselves, like 2 years babies.
Is this to cause more starvation & force people to eat the governments bioengineered food?
If they block the sun then it will be harder for farmers to grow food?
Good point. But they probably haven't thought that far, they are just very dumb...But this can't be good for the environment at all.
When researching this I found other scientists warning that this was a very bad idea as it could cause acid rain to fall down to earth.
I agree.
They are dumb but also evil & I think they have ulterior motives behind everything they do.
We know that most of them want depopulation.
I don't know if they are very evil, or very dumb. Or maybe both.
They are very evil and very intelligent. They prefer to be underestimated.
Intelligent doesn't always mean that they are smart. Intelligent people can do very dumb things if they are foolish, which these people clearly are.
Back in the 60s and 70s and 80s there was a big push to reduce atmospheric pollution by those same chemicals because they caused acid rain! It was a very real thing that killed aquatic life in freshwater lakes, weakened and killed trees and damaged buildings. The pollution that caused acid rain has been dramatically reduced in the US, Canada and Europe, but is increasing in other areas. Some institutions still cover their statues and outdoor artwork to protect them from damage caused by acid rain! How can this spraying of chemicals in the atmosphere be a good thing? They must not be aware of the history or don't care.
Some scientists are even saying this is a dumb idea because it will cause acid rain.
That was my first thought. In their zealous efforts; they are forgetting the evil effects and only looking at it through the eyes of control & greed. I’m sure this CEO is pulling in massive amounts of money from Gates, EU, and WEF. All of these elitists monsters only see💰-- they don’t care about the human race.
Somebody should research where this company is getting their money...
I did hear that this company is being backed by large sums of money from investors.
And I’d bet on Gates being one 🤬🤬🤬
Would be interesting to find out.
#Gates... the snake in the grass. And #Schwab the son of a Nazi... WTF....
And that other ultra rich Nazi conspirator Soros.
I’ve no idea who these companies are and I’m not sure if they sponsor or not but here’s some more
Apparently not, on the website of this startup company they say that plants grow a little better in this new environment.
Which is exactly the opposite of what we have been told from, well the dark ages really.
It’s like the kings new clothes, only worse because it’s real.
They are trying to say that the sky is green lol
Its not just a toxic chemical, its a nanoparticle that can travel through the blood and brain barrier, accumulate in certain organs, can work in synergy with other nanoparticles, some also increase ROS by itself and with the exposure of EMF...
Just a handful of known studies in post and in comments,
It turns into clouds of battery acid, that's good enough for me to know it is a very bad idea to do it.
They have been doing this for decades. I think its a cover up the the name of Green.
Btw. There are emerging studies on the role of accumulated nanoparticles in the atmosphere. Ive posted on on nanoparticles and more intense thunder. Go check the link in comment
Well, they now admit to doing this. I wonder what else they are doing that they are not admitting to or have held silent about.
I’m old enough to remember when climatologists proposed dumping soot on the Arctic icecap to absorb the sun’s heat to prevent catastrophic global cooling. Clowns.
“They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve.”
Scientists are warning about this sulfur dioxide as well, saying it could cause acid rain to fall down damaging plants.
There are only a few ways to trim population to 1 billion people. This is one method. mRNA Iis another.
Rank insanity. The same medical establishment telling me not to smoke is trying to pump an untested spike protein in my arm + not utter a peep about a resumption of global gas warfare.
‘Scuse me while I step out & fire up a Marlboro.
Every day I see the solar radiation management spraying irregardless of whether the temperature is in the hot range or well below freezing. So it’s not about temperature regulation then as it wouldn’t be spewing out from under the wings of planes nearly every single day. They spray when it’s during the summer dry months or even DURING rainstorms.
It was a sometimes thing before Convid began. But after there’s sometimes 6 planes above me busy making mist. Now since WEF Satanist (named own company after Crawley’s religion), Cabbalist (red twine around wrist) Riches Sunak was installed, after destroying the economy so successfully, THERE ARE BLACK LINES TOO.
What’s black? Coal dust. Graphene.
I suspect it’s to engineer mass harvest failures and polluting water sources.
Making acid rain to boot will just kill off even the trees.
Ps I’ve seen oak trees going brown in summer and even that prolific hardy headache grouse browning.
I have a daily photo log. It’s my largest album. Even bigger then grandchildrens’ one!
Thing is, this isn't being sprayed from planes. They are releasing it into the atmosphere with weather baloons. The contrails you see from airplanes is not this stuff.
You my friend are SPOT ON.... I also take photo's every day and have done for a few years... I was told about these trails 9 years ago by an old professor (since dead) but most of the people he told laughed at him, not I.... I also have seen huge willow trees die within a few months and many others dead.. the insects have almost disappeared from my garden so I am feeding the birds daily even-during the summer months... it's heartbreaking.
Yep, driving over the reservoir my windshield was coated with flying insects and now I hardly ever need to scrape them off.
Thing is I live between two bird sanctuaries and with such a pronounced reduction in insects for food, what’s the point of the bird places?
As for it’s just contrails, I see them too, they disappear but these last for hours. Highly heated water vapour like from a kettle do not remain all day in the kitchen!
It is true that insect population has decreased a lot recently, even envrionmentalists are warning about it.
I also noticed a lot less bugs on the windshiled now compared with 10 years ago. But I doubt it has to do with this however.
Truth be told, if they don't stop, insects, plant life will be completely dead within 8 years or so. No insects, plant life etc. = no humans. WE NEED TO STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!!
Oh lord what can we do... we have no hope ... the bastards are taking us all down.
Yes and these people know full well why !
Yes very sad with respect to wildlife...regards to the vapour trails they as you know are full of chemicals to weaken our immune system... I live by the ocean in Rock Cornwall U.K and all my neighbours have got some sort of virus that descended on us 2 days before Christmas... how very odd is that? it's another way of a "lockdown" these sick demons will never give in. Now the world is full of their man made cretins, brainwashed by the media and their even more sick governments. BTW... many thanks for replying.
I have been posting this for 2 years... I have photo's taken from my garden with the sky full of these trails... some even blocking the sun... last year on here I commented on this subject and was called an idiot and to get a life ! To date I have most of my neighbors taking photo's of them, the sky is alight with crazy jigsaws of trails every day.I now have photo's of Angela Merkal and some others in the hold of an aircraft full of these toxic drums with the men ready to fire them. I am banned for life on twitter for showing them.
This is insane. Didn’t we just implement a huge and expensive program to refit all diesel engines to use low sulfur fuel and DEF to REDUCE sulfur emissions? And now someone is being paid to dumping huge amounts into the air? Thanks for sharing, I had not heard of this before.
I know, they are actually polluting the air. The climate fanatics say one thing, and then do another. Their extremism has blinded them.
Acid Rain...
Ok, stupid question here:
You tell me fossil fuels are killing the planet and everyone must go solar. Solar cars, solar homes, solar everything. So I spend $100k on fucking solar for my house. And now, even before the installation is finished, they start trying to block out the sun... the ONE THING that powers my new solar panels...
What kind of 💩 for 🧠 ass 🤡 decided this would be ok?! 😡
Hahahaha, we really live in clown world.
Can you please sight and reference all your sources? I'm interested in researching this peculiar insanity some more. Thank you
I have.
weather manipulation has been going on for many years. Those “oh so gorgeous” sunsets are due to barium, aluminum & strontium. And then there is HAARP—weather weaponry.There were “Look Up”!!! protests across the globe—most Americans looked the other direction. Old movies were altered to show the “lines in the skies” normalizing fake clouds. It’s a smh moment when people post photos of “gorgeous amazing technicolor dream chemical trails” layered upon layer. Suggest you contact Dane Wigginton. He’ll tell you who the players have been & are…especially a certain monster at Harvard.
Back in the 80s govt was fighting acid rain .. won't this create acid rain?
It will. Some scientists are even warning that this is a very dumb idea because it will cause acid rain and destroy plants.
Truth be told, if they don't stop, insects, plant life will be completely dead within 8 years or so. No insects, plant life etc. = no humans. WE NEED TO STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!!
This has been going on for decades. Here is a good resource: