What I am about to tell you might sound like something a crazy and paranoid person would make up, but we are living in such a clown world that this is actually real. This isn’t a conspiracy theory anymore.
Remember something called ”chemtrails”? The first thing that comes to mind is probably a picture of Alex Jones in a tin foil hat screaming about the globalists putting chemicals in the air.
Well, let me introduce you to geoengineering. It is not exactly the same thing, but it is pretty close.
You see, they are now putting toxic chemicals in the atmosphere in order to block out the sun and stop climate change.
A startup company has just released a chemical called sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere in order to ”prevent catastrophic global warming”.
The company is called Make Sunsets and they are working on what is called geoengineering, which is just a fancy word for manipulating the weather.
What exactly is this chemical they are releasing? Sulfur dioxide is VERY toxic if inhaled and affects the respiratory system. It can cause severe irritation of the nose, eyes, throat, lungs and skin.
This sulfur dioxide is sprayed into the upper atmosphere to form sulfuric acid clouds. Can you guess what sulfuric acid is? It is the same thing that is in your car batteries. It is literally battery acid.
So in order to save the climate, they are putting clouds of BATTERY ACID into the atmosphere. A very toxic and very corrosive chemical. You cannot make this up.
So now we have these people polluting our earth by putting TOXIC chemicals into the atmosphere under the excuse of ”climate change”.
One thing to note, this wasn’t done with planes. So the white stuff you see behind planes is NOT this. They released this stuff with weather baloons.
The climate change fanatics claim that they want to save the planet. Yet they are making battery acid clouds in the air in order to block out the sun. You know what? I think that driving a car and releasing CO2 into the air is much, much better for the environment than what they are doing here.
These people actually think they are doing the right thing.
”It’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this.” said Luke Iseman, the CEO at the company.
The idea is that this chemical will block out the sun and reflect it back and thus lowering temperatures on the earth.
Wait a minute, are they admitting that the sun is controlling the temperature on the earth? What a shocking revelation!
I don’t know what to say. How on earth is this allowed? They are literally polluting the earth with the excuse of climate change. This is actually evil.
Do you think that battery acid is just going to stay up there? Of course it will fall down back to the earth sooner or later.
We are now at the point where they are literally putting toxic chemicals in the air to block out the sun in order to stop climate change.
People were called conspiracy theorists for this, now they turned out to be correct – Again.
At this point I’m beginning to have more trust in the so called ”conspiracy theorists” than the mainstream media…
This is a major violation of human rights.
Violating our rights to breathe fresh air and get sun. I don’t have words for how insane this is.
And does anyone have any idea of the long term effects of this?
Remember when they pushed the mRNA shots with no long term safety data. Now more and more evidence is beginning to come out with different side effects, including myocarditis and menstrual bleeding.
What kind of side effects will it have to block the sun from reaching the earth? It could be catastrophic.
In their insanity, they are trying to control the weather. This is some crazy mad scientist stuff right here and it must not be allowed.
If you agree with me that this is insane and must be stopped, please share this article to let people know what they are doing to us!
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SO2 and water creates sulfuric acid, as used in your car. Very corrosive. They are doing this in Mexico and have plans to use large balloons to increase the payloads. This needs to stop. It is insane. Global warm temps are the best of times. The ice ages are the worst as there is less food and more misery.
So how do we stop it?????
This is criminal