God saved Trump so he could save us from control freaks. This is good news thanks to a great president. America has been blessed in the nick of time. Norway needs a Trump!

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As I watch Trump each day, I think the folks who hate him and claim he is just trying to enrich himself are completely wrong. rather, I think his term is his idea of philanthropy, giving people the choice to do what they want and creating a framework in which they can afford to do so.

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So this means, in Norway, you have to be vaccinated or else. And means you wont get various services like, health care, not be able to shop or travel etc.? Even if you got vaxxed, still no freedom, they are going to track your every move and what you buy and eat? Why even live there? Move out while you can!

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Great news! Just reposted this on my X @NorthStar Ange

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Unless Congress acts to ban CBDC's, the next president can reverse President Trump's Executive Order. I hate to be a party pooper but we just watched President Trump completely upend Resident Biden's legacy - in 36 *hours*. The next liberal president we have can and will do the same. Something has to give, as far as Americans being yanked back and forth like a yo-yo between parties, but the future is, as always, murky in the world of politics. Only God tells us the ending. Politicians are, sadly, far more vague.

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