You're over the target Peter! Keep on it.


They are quite likely involved in child trafficking



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Such BS…Tyranny has no place in supposedly free countries!

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If we in the west have been indoctrinated to believe we live in 'Free Countries' or what they now screech about 'DEMOCRACY', instead of UNELECTED DEEP STATE 'BUREACRACY' which the actual fact of our Govts.; few of us have gathered the actual brainwashing behind this delusion called 'Democracy'.

The United States is in actuality a 'CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC' where 'the people' vote which is the ONLY aspect of our Govt. that is remotely 'Democratic.' Our Unalienable Rights granted by God defined as 'Civil Rights' in our Constitution is the only one of all Western Constitutions to guarantee these 'God Given Rights.' In all other Western Constitutional Republics...The Rights are defined, 'HUMAN RIGHTS' which are not the same as they are based in the MOSTLY PSYCHOPATHIC DEMANDS OF PSYCHO KINGS or others of the Landed Gentry/Conglomerate Corporatists/Central Bank Family Coven, those PRIVILEGED, THE IMPERIALISTS believing themselves ENTITLED as in Europe and the whole world until the rise of the U.S. through most of its history...UP TO THE CURRENT DAY.

If you wish to comprehend what the western 'Free States' actually are...You must watch this movie, 'The Jones Plantation.' Every human being of the world NEEDS TO SEE THIS. It's worth the time.


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But that's just it. You were never free. You are still debt slaves. What a legacy! This is a film about the war in Libya in 2011 and the surprising role of Norway in it. Norway, a country that for decades had built up an image as a "Country of Peace" was one of the most actives states in the bombing campaign over Libya, while the politicians talked about, and at least some of them believed, that the campaign would lead to democracy and the realization of human rights in Libya.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lijoNrRsD5I

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Tyranny or Truth. Governments have forgotten their roll in serving the people and it's a shame these police officers chose tyranny. I was shot at twice when I was a school board director at two schools and my car was damaged. I exposed the corruption here and reported it to our newspaper. It was front page news, and my enemies hated me even more for getting the truth out there to taxpayers. I say plan for the worst and fight, fight, fight.

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Governments have not forgotten anything. They've been lying to you all along and telling you what you want to hear. They are there to serve the big corporations. They are the entities that decide which wars you are going to pay for next. Did you think at the time that this could happen in a 'democracy' in 2011 and gladly at Norwegians expense!!? This is a film about the war in Libya in 2011 and the surprising role of Norway in it. Norway, a country that for decades had built up an image as a "Country of Peace" was one of the most actives states in the bombing campaign over Libya, while the politicians talked about, and at least some of them believed, that the campaign would lead to democracy and the realization of human rights in Libya.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lijoNrRsD5I

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I should have said Governments have (Intentionally) forgotten their roll to serve the people. So, Ricci, I do agree with you. Governments are like a disease rotting our lives.

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keep up the good fight

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I emailed you and offered to tell you all about what happened with me as a victim of grooming gangs in the UK but you didn't get back to me. I'm appalled to see that the same kind of cover up is attempted over here. Stop blaming the people speaking out. The perpetrators are clearly identified and it's not Peter!

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Have you been following Andyngo? He has exposed some terrifying cult activity in the United States. Hop on Locals and look him up.

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This cult must be a SATANIC Cult!

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It’s crystal clear that police officers are in a corrupt power tripping “society” of their own…run by the darkside, in ALL countries. Of course some I’m sure start out with good intentions but clearly they can all be bought, or bullied into submission. Canada is disgusting with law enforcement corruption. They just make shit up as they go. And lie, lie, lie. What a bunch of weak a-holes. I guess they’ll all be answering to their maker soon enough.

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I can't even imagine the stress that you and your family and extended family are feeling. Somehow you stumbled onto this path. Staying on it is gonna take everything you have. Please know that you ARE MAKING A HUGE DIFFERENCE to the good people in this world. "Sometimes God will put a Goliath in your life, for you to find the David within you."

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how could they not know you have cameras?! what kind of police are they?

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Well now I have evidence of their illegal behavior.

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The democracies of Europe have already fallen...

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I'm so pleased you were able to catch them and post the video to all of us, so no one can say it 'didn't happen'! Take care, this is some scary stuff here! But it's more difficult for them to do something dodgy while we're all watching it unfold in your posts in real time...transparency is always a good layer of protection

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Victims testimonies would be powerful evidence against these Satanists

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Have you been following Andyngo? He has exposed some terrifying cult activity in the United States. Hop on Locals and look him up.

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Terje Tvedt Om "De Gode Bombene" i Libya: En Kamp For Menneskerettigheter Gjennom Norske F16-fly


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The statutory government is not the true Peoples government. In any nation. Unless you are a private state citizen, you are a business. Not free. Statutes are not laws. Look to your passport process for non citizen national or the like. I am a state citizen, my Country of birth is Massachusetts USA Republic. My Nationality is native Massachusettesan. Not US Citizen. Look for LAW, natural law, GODS law, its the ONLY law for any living man. Statute is ALL Commercial and charges businesses. Not living men and women. The living can only be charged will lawful criminal charges. Not statutory contract violations. Find the free men and women in your country. They call us sovereign citizens in the USA to belittle us. But they cannot touch us. We are the land and the people. They are the legal fiction and persons. No statutory government owns land. The living do. Land cannot be taxed. But lot and parcel numbers can. The legal fiction. Your state id number is your straw man. Contracted to the statutory legal fiction government. Your free man is who they pursue. Separate yourself.

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