Of course, it's the UN Agenda pushing this crap. We're supposed to have smart educated people making decisions for the rest of us I thought. Well, it goes to show these pissants have clinkers in their thinkers. The real smart people better step up and stop this crap.

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Such a mindless, heartless proposal and sure enough Gates has his fingers in the pie. Bill can't have the people eating real meat, they must eat ze bugs or ze fake meat.

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How long are some of these ppl - Soros, Hillary, Gates, Schwab... gonna hang around? Aren't they all getting pretty long in the tooth?

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Indeed they are, but Soros and Schwab have heirs to carry the torch. Seems these hubristic types will always be with us. It is an existential struggle.

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Nutty… and evil.

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The people paying for it will be the consumers.

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Team Famine wants your farmer to join by paying fart tax. Let's hope every Danish parliamentarian and their family enjoys eating bugs, because that's what they will be voting for.

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Just when you thought the world was righting itself, along comes one nation who seems to want to demonstrate how stupid they truly are!! 😡

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This was enough to make me subscribe and I pleased that I have. Bill Gates owns 7 cars allegedly , one which is a Porsche. Now divorced, Melinda Gates on an interview with an American journalist on video allegedly said he was friendly with Jeffrey Epstein.

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Since the largest of the cow’s 4-part stomach is devoted to fermentation, obviously, gases will ensue. As they have since cows came into being, for Heaven’s sake. So it’s clear that this natural process will continue as long as Gates is kept from harming our beautiful cows.

It’s also clear that the Danish government’s latest move is purely about money, and only money.

The only unclear aspect is what is being fermented in the twisted brains of the perpetrators of this nonsense.

Way beyond time that every one of them is arrested and locked up for good - preferably in some infernal location and subject to all the geo-engineered weather the rest of us have had to put up with for so long.

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Gates wants people to buy the artificial meat that he’s invested in. He won’t be eating it, of course, it’s for the proletariat

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How much “emissions” does a tiny country like Denmark have in the first place? The farmers should ignore this and tell the government to pound sand. Gates, Schwab, and the rest of the WEF should be dropped into the deepest part of the ocean.

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