How many willing parasites are there in governments, the science and medical establishment, and the mainstream media willing to pursue this megalomaniac’s insane ideas, and sell the rest of us down the river?

We are swamped by traitors.

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Because the side effects from the "pandemic" drug trial / vaccine weren't sufficiently onerous? And now we should introduce yet more untried / untested / unknown substances into our food chain?

Is he insane?

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Bill Gates is a piece of Shit!!

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When it comes to ego and thinking he knows best for people's health, or the well being of the planet? Yep. I agree.

But I continue to use LinkedIn, which belongs to Microsoft, and the software - even with glitches - makes my life a whole lot easier.

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I wish BG would take off with his own farts preferably to the outer universe, the man is a menace to society!!

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