Switzerland BANS burqa
After a referendum, Switzerland bans face covering in public starting 2025.
Hope you all have had a good Christmas and a good start to the New Year!
As usual with the new year, there are new laws that take place in countries all over the world.
In Switzerland, starting today on January 1st of 2025, they have BANNED face coverings in public places.
In 2021, people voted in a referendum for the ban which has been called a ”burqa ban” as they are included in the ban on face coverings.
People that do not follow the new law, risks being fined $1107
However, Switzerland is not the first country in Europe with such a law.
Austria for example have had a ban in place since October 2017 to ”enable interpersonal communication, which is necessary for peaceful coexistence in a democratic, constitutional state”.
Denmark is another country that also has a ban on full face veils since 2018. France, Belgium and the Netherlands also have a ban.
Vice Prime Minister Matteo Salvini in Italy has expressed support for the ban in Switzerland, saying that he wants the same for Italy as well.
Another law that has now come into effect in Switzerland in the new year is more protection of children.
Marriages involving minors from abroad will no longer be recognized in the country. Anything that protects children is very good news.
What do you think about the burqa ban, do you support it?
A plea.
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The biggest takeaway here is the democracy in Switzerland where people can actually vote for new laws.
Would love to see this in the US