MASSIVE NEWS: Sweden to DEPORT foreigners involved in gangs
The Swedish Prime Minister announced new tough measures to deal with the ongoing gang crisis in the country.
After a brutally violent month in Sweden with shootings and bombings becoming almost a daily occurrence, Sweden has decided to crack down hard on the gangs responsible for the attacks.
This isn't a new thing. Sweden has had problems with gangs for many years now. We have 61 no-go zones, some of which the police describe as "lawless areas".
Things have become so bad that the police warned that the situation hasn't been this dangerous since 1945.
Other police have warned that we risk a "systemic societal collapse" if things are allowed to continue.
Recently I wrote an article on the TRUTH about the Swedish gang crisis. Please make sure to check that out if you haven't done so already:
The TRUTH about the Swedish gang CRISIS.
Just last night two people were shot dead and a 25 year old woman was blown up in yet another bombing.
The woman was just an innocent bystander. She lived neighbor to a gang criminal who police believed was the actual target. But the massive bomb destroyed her house and killed this young woman.
Police in Uppsala where the bombing took place say that "the situation in society is inhumane, unexplainable and limitless"
There has been 125 bombings in Sweden so far this year. That is almost one every other day.
To put that into comparison, consider that Sweden is a small country with only just over 10 million people. If the equivalent would have taken place in the USA, it would have been almost 4000 bombings - In just this year so far! That is really, really bad!
But now Sweden is cracking down hard for the first time.
The Swedish Prime Minister held a speech to the nation tonight, outlining new tough measures.
I have here translated much of the speech from the Prime Minister from Swedish to English.
"This is a difficult time for Sweden. A 25 year old woman went to sleep, a completely normal night. But she was not allowed to wake up again. This morning she was killed in a bombing in Uppsala...A week ago a 70 year old man went to a bar in Sandviken to spend time with his friends. He was not allowed to come home again. He was blind and he was shot to death...My thoughts are also with those three kids, 13, 14 and 14 years old who were found assassinated in forest areas outside of Stockholm...Now more children and completely innocent people are falling victim to this serious violence. I cannot enough say how serious the situation is. Sweden has never before seen anything like this. No other country in Europe see something like this...Everyone who wants to tell the police about the gangs reign of terror, but don't dare out of fear for their own lives and their children's lives.
How could it become this bad? The fact is that we are many who saw this coming and warned about it. This organized crime has grown in over a decade, in just 10 years, violent deadly shootings have tripled. It is political naivety and ignorance that has brought us here. It is a reckless migration policy and a failed integration that has brought us here. Exclusion and parallel societies is feeding the criminal gangs. There they can recklessly recruit children and educate the murderers of the future. Swedish law is not designed for gang warfare and child soldiers. But we are changing that now. This government is changing the migration policy...We are doubling the sentences for serious weapons crime and crimes involving explosives...We are going to introduce containment sentences so that really dangerous criminals will never get out. And we will deport those foreigners that are involved in the criminal gangs, even if they have not yet been convicted of any crime...We are going to build youth prisons so that youth are separated from adult criminals and we will make sure that all children learn Swedish with language screening and law school in socially vulnerable areas. We are going to deploy the resources that are needed. Everything is on the table. I have tomorrow called in the police chief and the commander in chief to see how the military can help the police in their work against the criminal gangs...We are going to do what is necessary to restore safety in Sweden".
Make sure to check out my article on the TRUTH about the Swedish rape crisis that the mainstream media has been ignoring!
So to outline some of the things Sweden will do now to crack down on the gangs:
Looking at deploying the military to assist the police in fighting the gangs.
Deporting foreigners involved in criminal gangs, even if they haven't been convicted of any crimes yet.
Build new prisons for youths to separate them from adult criminals.
Doubling the sentences for serious weapons crime and crimes involving explosives.
Make sure that all children learn Swedish.
Introduce tougher sentences so that dangerous criminals will never get out of prison.
I was quite surprised to hear this. I never thought Sweden would suddenly wake up one day and decide to ignore political correctness.
Then again, the situation has gotten so dire now that when even some police have warned of a "systemic societal collapse", it's getting hard to ignore the situation.
What do you think of this?
I need your help!
For years, I have been reporting on the ongoing dire situation in Sweden. I was laughed at. The left called me names. The media called me a "conspiracy theorist".
Sadly, it turns out that I was correct in my warnings. The Prime Minister of Sweden himself has now admitted that the situation is dire.
Thanks to my paid subscribers, I have been able to report the truth about what's happening in Sweden - Something the mainstream media has been covering up.
I still need your help to do this important work and expose the globalist agenda.
The left has tried to cancel me. I was kicked out of a jobs training course because they didn't like my political opinions. I refuse to be silent. I will keep reporting the truth, but I can only do it with your support!
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White pill. Let's see if these words translate into actions. The massive human wave is still coming.
Why is Europe silent about the genocide of Christian Armenians? These are real refugees:
Cliff High predicted this turnaround in Sweden several months ago. I find that fascinating. Sadly, we are all becoming Sweden. I hope our people wake up very soon.