This Swedish lawmakers are insane! Seven churches will not make any difference except disallow people from admiring its Christian history. How sad and bizarre!

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The pushback is coming. all of these insane regulations will be overturned over the next 4 years

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Not enough Christians are speaking up and fighting back to this climate change crap. Climate change this and climate change that is nothing but junk science. It's really about stealing more of your tax dollars to push junk down your throats while they pocket your tax dollars. Trump won't allow this in our country and leaders in Sweden need a guy like Trump with a set of balls to stop these whackos and their stupid ideas.

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I noted that Mr. Trump, in his yesterday Mar-a-Lago press conference, twice (at least) referred to the "green scam". The truth is emerging. Hold on to your favorite pew!

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"So instead of keeping the churches open, they are shutting them down in the name of climate change...Do you think that is what Jesus would have done?"

Peter, I usually agree with you but think...

Judaism, as a whole, was corrupt in the time of Jesus. So are most "Christian" churches in these days - some much worse. And we have even less excuse than they did.

Around 40 years later, the pagan Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.

Now, equally "Pagan" authorities in Sweden are attacking outward manifestations of "Christianity" in Sweden.

But when Jesus died the Curtain of the Temple was torn from top to bottom to show two things:

1. God had now made a way of open access for "Whosoever" into the very presence of God.

2. The Ark of the Covenant, which was supposed to be there inside the curtain, was missing. Their religious traditions were empty. You said yourself that "The Church of Sweden is very progressive". It is sad to see historic buildings abandoned but - in eternal terms - what use are empty shells from which the glory has departed?

What is being done to Swedish churches is all wrong but God doesn't need special buildings or holy places to worship him in. The true Church, those who truly belong to Christ and seem to follow him fully - will not die even if the outward places of worship are no more.

Hebrews 9:7 following and Hebrews 10:19-20 explains some of this.

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The Swedish people have started turning the tide on mass migration. It's time they split their attention and start going after the woke mind virus and climate cultists. Christians need to be courageous in the Word and remind people Jesus isn't just a loving God. Incurring the wrath of God should scare the Swedes far more than the consequences of heating His church 100 years from now.

Think of it like this: If meteorologists can't definitively tell you if you need to carry an umbrella to work tomorrow, why should we take predictions of the weather 100 years from now? Weather and atmospheric conditions are impossibly complex and not yet well understood. *Every* part of the planet, seen or unseen, effects it. Anyone telling you they know what will occur in the distant future because of CO2, which is a necessary building block for all life, plant, animal, *all* life, they're either lying to you, lying to themselves or both.

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“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Matthew 6:6. The buildings are beautiful but temporal. True prayer can be done anywhere.

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This is just another brilliant way to coerce Christians into giving up their faith.

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God will soon deal with man's monumental hubris. In the 260 years that man has been "industrialized", it's physically and humanly impossible that man has had an existential negative effect on the earth's environment within the earth's lifespan which extends over 12 epochs totalling more than 4.8 billion years. Change on earth is measured in geologic time, not man years. Man's 260 year timespan over the past epochs is so small, the fraction changes into scientific notation: 5.416666666666667e-8. The last ice age ended only about 11,700 years ago, after the earth was nearly a solid ball of ice for millions of years. One would necessarily conclude that the earth must be in a warming period since that time, which,in actuality, is also a very tiny fraction. Climate change is a falsehood created by elitists to control all of we, the people. The fact that a church would permit itself to be placed under this negative, godless, influence is spitting in the Face of God.

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Climate cult is the latest heresy for many institutional churches.

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Is there an "underground" Christian movement in Sweden replacing the Lutheran wokeness, just as here in USA the non-denominational, Bible-believing congregations have been growing, with vigor, while the "mainline" denominations have been bleeding members--and this for I don't know how many years. 20?

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The Bible talks about the apostasy of the church in the end days and the transgression away from God’s word and Biblical principles. No Christian church on earth should be “progressive”. Gender confusion in our society is the work of Ishtar. Stay true to God’s word, my friends. Times of deception are upon us.

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[these churches are of course poorly isolated and they are being heated with oil]

"insulated" ?

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Heavens to Betsy! I'd love to see the Algonquin round table who came up with this idea.

What would Jesus do? 🤔

Don't worry about dying, you will live forever. All you have to consider is location, location, location.

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I understand the sadnes, as these oldrchurches stand for a legacy. Than again, its perhaps good to recognize the actions of wolves in a sheeps den. There are not much sheep left within these walls, so the actions become more rabit as the hunger cant be stillet until all is destroyed.

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Where two or three are gathered together, there am I, in the midst of them. So house's, buildings, garages, etc can still be used for gathering with His saints to think on these things and study His word and worship Him. The devil tried to stop it all by closing churches in the lockdown by the thousands, and instead persons had 'Church' in their houses etc by the millions. He lost!

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