thank you

why do parents leave their kids out late?

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That is a good question. Probably because they trust the spiritual leader as he is supposed to be a "man of God".

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It seems odd to me too to learn these youngsters not at home by a certain time plus the fact the "church" operates so late. Do the parents know or care? These kinds of perps are not new but we seem to hear more about them these days because of social media. However, how it was Peter who was reported to the police by them is really shocking. I'm sure Peter fully explained his concerns but the police will do nothing unless they receive a complaint via a parent.

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Weirdos hiding behind respectability. Dangerous when cornered. Regards, and thanks for reporting. Amr Australia

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

Paedos! Not weirdos.

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Sad sad , how dare THEY come after you & your family when all you wanted to do is blow the whistle on exposing the truth. It makes me think all the so called churches are most likely doing the same. I do fear for the vulnerable youth of today. They have nowhere to turn. Parents need to be informed and start a new club as this is wrong.

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Thank you for your bravery in stepping forward about these horrendous behaviors. The fact that they are cloaking themselves in a 'church' is reprehensible.

Keep it up. The only reason they are harassing you is because you hit a nerve.

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"You cannot report someone to the police merely for having different opinions."

Wrong. In most nations, having "different (i.e. wrong acc. to those in power) opinions" is a crime. Just consider Sweden's "hate speech law" (known as "hets mot folkgrupp" in swedish). Voicing the opinion that someone like the current leader for the Centre Party, a turk with close ties to Erdogan, isn't swedish, may be enough to get you reported and fined.

Or just ask artist Dan Park who was sent to prison for politically incorrect art. Or Lars Vilks (you'll need a medium since he died in a "car accident").

Perhaps you should contact the swedish christian newspaper "Dagen" (The Day) with your suspicions, experiences and findings? They have a greater reach seem to have no love for pedos hiding out among the flock, as evidenced by their continued scrutiny of the "gay movement" and the reveals they made some years ago that the entire leadership of Stockholm Pride bar one or two had multiple convictions for sex crimes against minors.

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Paedophiles find ways of being around their victims. We had a similar case in our local church. Eventually, the man was arrested and imprisoned for 3 years. I hope these men are caught and prosecuted.

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your post here reminds me of some things I walked through with my own family (in America) -- you are obviously dealing with the same kinds of spirits of wickedness that attacked us. I don't know how you feel about that kind of thing, but I can tell you it is all rooted in great wickedness and is not energized by mere humans. Anyway, you said a few things that registered as commonalities with what we dealt with and I'm going to have to ponder this some more and then maybe I'll be able to finally finish my own blog post on those events from nearly 20 years ago. About five years ago, I realized I was suffering from undiagnosed PTSD and even though I have worked through most of that now and can write about it without descending into panic attacks, it's still a tough subject for me. Earlier this year I began to write again, but still haven't finished it -- perhaps because I needed to have my memory refreshed (in the way you just did.) Many people have told me I should write a book, but I'm not going to... Blogging will have to do; fortunately, we had a good lawyer and a fair judge -- both were needed because this "church" was absolutely vicious in their attacks against our whole family.

Praying for you and your family. No weapon formed against you shall prosper -- this is your heritage as a servant of the Lord.

It's all much bigger than you think.

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The Bible, itself, warns against 'False Prophets' and 'False Witness'; circumstances becoming far too common throughout the whole world. Evil has become so arrogant; it believes its own lies, that it has won when in fact...IT KNOWS GOD WINS AND IT HAS LITTLE TIME TO DECEIVE EVEN GOD'S ELECT.

You have a 'Martyr's soul'; continue on 'Warrior in Christ' regardless of personal cost. Must trust in our Lord to protect as we serve. THANK-YOU FOR SEEKING TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT. God Bless and Keep You and Yours. 🌹🙏🏼🙏🏾✝🙏🏽🙏🏻🌹

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It propagates through PopCultureLLC. The "swifties," for example. Apb. Viganò is a good source of wisdom, regardless of your denomination: https://www.lifesitenews.com/author/archbishop-carlo-maria-vigano/

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I hope you don't mind Peter, but I have mentioned you in a note I have posted on substack. it is in regards to a post I submitted on my page to do with a rape incident here in the UK that police have refused to investigate due to their involvement & the main media outlets wont cover due to corruption... I have enough hard evidence to ensure everyone involved goes to prison for years, but don't have the contacts to get the story out into the mainstream.... I thought maybe you might be able to assist please? I am not the only person who has been victimised by these people...there are many others.

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Pedos have hidden in the church since “priests” were invented.

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Very sad behaviour! May the Lord above bring freedom and may the Truth set people free indeed. 🙏🏻

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Peter, I’ve followed your posts for a while. My 1st comment is this. Thank you for speaking out about inappropriate behaviors. Humans have done more damage to the church than the devil has. These stories of course happen in the US as well and grieve us all as believers but more importantly, grieves the Holy Spirit. The world sees the church behaving no differently than them and we wonder why attendances have dropped and more people turn away from Christianity. I pray protection and peace for you and your family as you battle powers and principalities.

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Listen, the US Federal Reserve Bank's majority shareholder is the Rothschild empire. The USA is bankrolling the genocide in Gaza. I hope you are getting a clearer picture. You will have to believe the evil in the world is true, Morals and ethics have been purposely eroded. Take care.

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Omg! Sorry this is going on there.


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First Peter, thank you for discussing this subject. Please do take your safety seriously. What you have uncovered is evil, those participating have no morals and will try to stop you from exposing them.

Then I ask why have rapes, cults and the sexualization of women and children happened?

My experience in America is that in the 1960’s we went from a culture that appreciated and promoted wholesome family values and hard work of the 50’s to a television culture of unclothed women and drugs. I remember my grandfather disgusted with what he was seeing on tv. He would turn it off and go outside to his garden. In the 70’s the sexual violence against women seemed to be a main theme even on the cowboy tv shows. The abortions and birth control began to be pushed as a “normal” thing for teenagers! Television continued its’ vicious assault on sexual morality and murder. That has become the theme for the entertainment business. Then video games made it a personal experience. Now everyone has a phone that as you proved in your rape article they can follow others who explicitly display no morality at all. Society has created a culture of immorality to the point that it has become its own cultish “religion.” Evil has a dark gripe on the world right now that only God can defeat. Find like minded people to associate with and continue to shine the light of God until the darkness is gone!

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In the bible you can find this symbolic situation also in a bible text... Jesus did not liked that sinners got lost for the eternity. I will or try to explain this in a mythology way... First we going to talk about 'bussiness people' they realizing the fact they needed sinners for them business otherwise there is no business... That is the same for the devil, the devil realizing the fact that he needed people for his cult calling the sin forever culture. More better than this i can not explain it! So what this person over time of sin it has describe it, that is the same principle what they or the devil of the world needed from this world... People who loved to sin to themself.... That's it! Sodom & Gomorra time forever.... That is what the satanic people want this for this world, that the people fall for sin than instead for God, Jesus!

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