I think it is time for the cdc, who, and the un to be dismantled. Each of these organizations are politically motivated to report towards their agenda. There is no credibility left in any of these groups, they have been and are a big part of the problem and corruption that goes out each time they speak or manufacture some fake reports. Enough is enough. Our tax dollars are used to fund them and we need to cut them off. There is no reason for us to trust anything they say or do any longer. I make a motion to dismantle them.

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...and are a big 'part of the problem...'

Part of the problem? No. They are THE problem!

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Peter's article concludes:

"So now people are sitting with the impression that there is this new dangerous bird flu pandemic right around the corner, perhaps scaring people into getting new injections from Big Pharma."

And it won't end there. They'll restore the previous tyranny, in full force, including ridiculous 'social distancing' rules, forcing us to wear hideous dehumanizing face diapers in order to virtue signal our acceptance of our (voluntary) servitude to THEM, lockdowns, business closures, closing schools and imprisoning our children at home INDOORS. And of course, incessant FEAR propaganda about overloaded (empty) hospitals and overworked hospital staff but who somehow find the time to perform those cringeworthy Tik-Tok dances for the entertainment of the fools, while they're happily imprisoned in their homes (wearing face diapers even inside their houses) and wondering how they're going to feed themselves the next day.

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WHO, government, MSM. How often can a truth survive the trip through all three of these wickets?

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Why am I so completely unsurprised? They got away with all their fear mongering and pimping for big pharma before, so it would appear in their best interests to try again. Until they are made to pay a price, their evil machinations will only grow and grow and grow...

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Here's a new Substack entry for you, Peter - the 'Wait a Minute News'. You post things only after the item has been vetted by 2 or 3 other sources. If not, then you'll be required to preface that story with "This is the latest from MSM which has been verified as ( 12:00 PM EST) We know there's always more to the story than this. Please be patient. Thank you."

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I am seriously considering buying my way into a WEF, WHO or UN meeting, then sidling on up to Teadros, Schwab or what’s his name at the UN to stick my two fingers up their nose, hard, see their startled look at a completely new form of getting their attention, and say FJB, FJT, and F all of U.

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I look forward to your articles Mr. Imanuelsen, but I caution you to please be more assiduous about proofreading BEFORE hitting "send". Let's see if you can locate the error in your article about the errors in the reportage about the fatality falsely reported as a bird flu death.

Kindest Christian regards in a Post-Christian America, A. M. Fuller 🤔

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As they say, if it bleeds, it leads. The mainstream media is struggling to stay relevant and failing. I rarely (almost never) watch it (or even read it)

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Thank you.

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