Sorry Bill you can't have a finger in all the worlds' pies, and then claim immunity from trial because you live in the USA.

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I sincerely hope he loses and is fined commensurate with his fortune. I'm sick unto death of this fat geriatric telling *me* how to be healthy and live a carbon neutral life, while he clearly does neither. The double standard of these über wealthy men and women desperately attempting to attain godhood at our expense is vile and pure evil. They've murdered millions globally and at *least* 217,000 Americans (and that's using very generous math) and it's time they paid for their sins. I know God will judge them in the next life, but is it too much to ask for some justice in this one as well?

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Why has Bill Gates been allowed to run amok dominating international vaccination policy?

Why did Bill Gates lead the ‘race for a coronavirus vaccine’, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people?

Bill Gates interference in international vaccination policy is proving to be an unmitigated disaster for the world’s people.

For more background, see my articles:

- "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet" Quoting Bill Gates - software billionaire and unelected overseer of global vaccination policy https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/we-need-to-make-the-vaccine-available

- Bill Gates: "...we don't know for sure yet if RNA is a viable platform for vaccines..." Really? So this is a medical experiment on the global population? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/bill-gates-we-dont-know-for-sure

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Does anyone reading this, honestly believe this farce of a 'trial' will go anywhere, or that the mass-murdering humanity loathing psychopath protected by the UN, WEF and all corrupt governments, judiciaries and NGOs will even visit Holland let alone attend this court?

If you do, dream on....


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I will keep you updated on how the court case goes.

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It's a start...

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We can only hope and wish for the best. If it’s successful there will be many more!

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Finally someone has the guts to do something about the horrible consequences of this so called ‘vaccine’. I pray this will have a successful outcome and see others doing the same. I’m sure the EU, WHO, UN, etc will do all they can to stop this. It takes courage and determination to stand up to these organizations and elite.

Wish all involved the best 🙏🙏🙏

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

The only way we'll ever beat him and his cronies at their own game and permanently cancel their evil agenda is STOP COMPLYING en masse, with any and all of their ridiculous edicts and mandates, (i.e. deadly fake vaccines, face diapers, lockdowns etc.) which they illegally impose on us.

We simply cannot fight them in THEIR corrupt, treasonous WEF / UN owned and controlled arenas of blatant lawlessness, aka judiciaries and expect anything will happen to them.

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There’s no valid consent for the Covid vaccinations, anywhere in the world.

Who is going to be brought to account for this travesty?

Which seems to have occurred at the behest of Bill Gates and his demand all and sundry be vaccinated…while he invested in vaccines…


And the medical profession and pharmacists are right in the thick of pressing worse than useless vaccine products upon the public, including children.

How are they obtaining valid informed consent for this medical intervention?

In this regard, please see this article featuring Dr Elizabeth Evans explaining informed consent for vaccination in the context of the ‘Covid’ response and vaccine rollout: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-doctor-explains-informed-consent

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Q "How are they obtaining valid informed consent for this medical intervention?"

A They don't obtain any such informed consent.

They simply use fear propaganda, LIES, coercion and threats to intimidate the gullible and frightened masses to submit.

People need to wake up, grow a backbone, then REFUSE en masse to comply with any of it.

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Best news I've seen today! Thanks, Peter.

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