Every day it seems the people of the western world, if not all the governments, have figured out the current open borders idea is a failure

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And you know what is super encouraging to see in Europe? Those people sure know how to protest!!! Farmers dumping manure all over big cities and thoroughfares! They come out in YOOGE numbers!! KEEP FIGHTING European nations!

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Peter, the EU needs to be COMPLETELY dismantled. It doesn't work economically or socially. The thought that one body can dictate taxes, fines, border policy, or anything else on another sovereign nation is insanity. There's trying to do the same thing in the US ... no borders ... you won't see it on the news from the US because the news media only reports what the talking heads tell them to report and with a severe bias. States, counties, cities, and towns all over the US are pushing back on the invasion of 25 million illegals into our country ... that's right, 25 MILLION. Check out what's happening in Springfield, Ohio. It's just one small example of what's happening everywhere in our country. If Trump doesn't win this election, the US may not ever be able to recover economically, socially, militarily, or physically from the disaster that Biden and Harris have wreaked over the last 4 years. Fight, fight, fight!

And let me just add, who the HELL does the World Economic Forum think they are? A bunch of power hunger, elitist, with too much money, and clearly to much time on their hands to do ANYTHING useful but try to control the world through their globalist agenda. F them!

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The new Patriots for Europe group led by Viktor Orbán doesn't want to dismantle the EU, but change it from within.

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I'm so with you, Cynthia. I subscribe to 'Slay News' and every few weeks there is some news story about the WEF 'demanding' something. Here's a sampling:

Oct. 12, 2024 -- "UN Demands Extra $308 Billion Per Year to ‘Fight Climate Change’ in Third World"


Oct. 6, 2024 -- "WEF Demands Ban on Home-Grown Food to Stop ‘Global Warming’"


Sept. 18 2024 -- "WEF Demands ‘Global Collaboration’ to Usher in ‘Green Economy’" https://slaynews.com/news/wef-demands-global-collaboration-usher-green-economy/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter

Sept. 14, 2024 -- "Government Report Calls for All Airports Closed to Comply with ‘Net Zero’"

"To meet the legal commitment of complying with the WEF’s “NET ZERO” BY 2050 the report breaks down the goals into a list of targets that must be met before 2029, with further restrictions implemented by 2049." (emphasis mine)


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An open border policy abrogates the law and destroys national sovereignty. In the U.S., open borders invested more people than the population of 10 states.

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Keep going, Europe. You're in the vanguard!!

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I must-needs share this article w you. Some of you may be familiar with El Gato Malo on SS - this was his post yesterday --

"werewolves losing control of the speech of others

the desperation is setting in"


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