Here’s hoping we can keep the momentum going into the US election

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BRAVO! America is next. Trump/Vance will win by a landslide. These rulers on the left have piss off too many people around the world and here in America. We're not going to take it anymore. Fight, Fight, Fight, Vote, Vote, Vote. Let's send the lefty democrats a powerful message and vote them all out. I am a registered Independent for Trump. Congratulations Austria.

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While this is great news, as we just saw in Thuringia, I believe, the other parties changed the rules to prevent AfD from having the blocking minority they won in the vote. I expect we will see more of this as the incumbent parties cannot accept that their policies are being rejected. soon enough, people will get tired of that and start giving the right full majorities, ending the charade

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From your fingers to God's Ears!

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Terrific work, thanks for all you do Peter. Hope I subscribed properly!

Thought would share my thoughts:

October surprise could be WW3, could be man never went to the moon, we shall see.

I think Trump will be ahead on election night until suddenly, the counting stops in some states until Kamala is declared ahead and eventually winning the night. This will cause the markets to crash the next morning and down we go just like 1929.

The fight will go on and on December 20th, the house will vote to defund the federal government.

Chaos will reign and the WEF, the UN, plan to sweep in with their broom to clean up and sweep us all away into their CBDC and other evil plans.

All fits together nicely in one tight delivery package. Kamala steals election night thunder, markets go into fear and chaos. It's like amazon, made to order and perfectly timed!

Fight back, votewithyourmoney .ca mpaign!

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This is tremendously good news. Thank you, Peter. >>>>>

P.S. I didn't remember that you coined the phrase 'Climate Communism'. Well done, you. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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This is good news, but you have to wonder if it's too little, too late. George Soros is getting help from the FCC to fast-track his purchase of nearly 70% of the headquarters of radio stations in America. Digital ID and currency is on the way in with most countries around the world and China, if it can survive its economic woes and birth rate collapse, is darn close to being the world's leading superpower. Western nations have to do some serious damage control before it's too late and with the left's ability to distract the populace by making something out of nothing, I worry we're watching the end of an era of freedom and democracy.

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Leslie and Alex, don't be such naysayers. You both have good points to be wary & cautious about Soros et al and how far down the slope we have slipped but we're not down and out yet.

Remember, America gave the world ultimate victory in WW II, the first man on the moon, the Declaration of Independence, the airplane, the Emancipation Proclamation, Indiana Jones - just to name a few. And my very favorite - think of the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware:


Willing to cross a frozen river to kill you.

In your sleep.

On Christmas.

Totally not kidding.

We've done it."

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Yes, and that spirit is why I haven't given up entirely. The entire Western world hadn't attempted to commit suicide yet back when that was written (it's one of my favorites too) though and I think worry is an acceptable frame of mind for the challenges we face. This isn't just about elections, although it's big piece. Regardless of which politicians are chosen as Western leaders, we'll still have enormous hills to climb as globalists band together to enact their communist utopia through mass immigration, climate hysteria and funding of terrorist organizations. Do I believe the West is doomed? Not necessarily, but if the everyday people don't band together and start ignoring the wedges politicians use to drive us apart, we could be watching a replay of the fall of Rome. Only by reminding people of how dire our situation is and could become, will we be able to light the fire necessary to burn away the darkness covering the Earth.

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Totally agree, Leslie. The power IS in the hands of the people - The American Revolution, French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Haitian Revolution. Yes there were leaders - good and not so good - but without the spirit, the will and the might of 'wethepeople' - they would have never happened. Strength in numbers.

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True, our numbers are our only real advantage, aside from God. That's why the powers and principalities of this world are trying to decimate us through disease, crime and war. If the globalists get their wish, up to 7 billion human beings will be wiped off the face of the Earth and our enslavement will be total. I truly believe social media has been both our destruction and our liberation. Social media has put the greatest censorship weapon on Earth in the hands of the most untrustworthy people we have, but it also freed everyday people from the legacy media's thrall. The first thing we need to do in the face of the globalist psychopaths is to end the censorship industrial complex. If we can get the facts out, we can win this spiritual war. If we can't, well, we just have to. There's nothing else for it.

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Well said. The adage - "Act as if everything depended upon you and pray as if everything depended upon God." is very apt here.

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Climate Communism is pure gold thanks for sharing

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Peter keep exposing the truth to conservatives around the world

The wins just keep on coming

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