Thanks for the great news, Peter! Here in the U.S. 26 governors have signed off that they will not follow the W.H.O.'s guidelines for public health policy. There is still some shreds of good sense left in the world. Hopefully we can stitch them together enough to create a barrier to the insanity of the globalists.

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Interesting, do you have more information on the 26 governors that signed against the WHO guidelines?

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Thanks for the link. Great article!

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Thanks for the link!

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Bravo Sweden!. May the world continue to awaken!

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Well done for Sweden!

Hopefully other countries will follow

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Ironic that one of the world's most famous high-school dropouts - Swedish born Miss Greta Thunberg, began her humanity loathing crusade outside the Swedish parliament, after a lifetime of constant indoctrination and brainwashing by her delusional and bordering on psychotic parents at just 11 years old; eventually reaching sainthood status through the eyes her equally delusional and emotionally disturbed climate crisis believing worshippers...

Now the same country's leaders have finally grown a backbone and told her and her climate cult followers the truth they will no doubt, all refuse to hear.

This should be a huge blow to St Greta... Perhaps sufficient to wake her up to the real world, where she might finally notice there is no such climate catastrophe she's spent most of her life needlessly living in fear of.

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It's nice to see globalism can be reversed without a civil war. Now, if we can just get past the coming attempt to steal a second (that we can prove) presidential election in America, perhaps the world can be saved from the antiChrist, nuclear holocaust and the eternal damnation of the majority of humanity. The last 15 years have been a wake up call to Evangelicals to go forth and testify to Christ's love, mercy, forgiveness and the wrath we'll incur by ignoring God's biggest warning ever to straighten up and fly right into the Kingdom of God. 🙏 for the warriors of the Lord and even His enemies. No one is beyond salvation except the antiChrist and his minions.

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I'm sure some of what's happening in Sweden is due to your Substack posts. The more 'we the people' read, understand and disseminate this information, the better the world becomes for 'we the people' leaving the oligarchs crying in their beer. (I hope). ---- I commented on another Substacker - "Who the Heck is Jim Treacher?" about this very topic ----- "I think it was Greg Gutfeld who pointed out that the Left always lives in the future. There is no 'day of reckoning' whereby they're right and we're all destroyed OR that 'the future' never comes so how can we say WE'RE right. It's Schrödinger's Cat in sunglasses & a winter coat."

https://jimtreacher.substack.com/p/the-nyt-begs-for-angry-sky-gods-to/comments#comment-67978144 ----

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