Great start, every country should leave the UN completely, and NATO and the WHO. Then job done! Peace at last!

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Absolutely agree 👍 👏 👌. I've said this for years. Insideouus organizations that on the surface look altruistic but scratch the surface and see who (WHO) truly controls them under the guise of good ( a Godly term) and it truly is not good but deep seated evil individuals.

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Germany is riddled with vicious sociopaths too.

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All countries governments in the NATO alliance are in the same category as you'll find on this article A pdf of the many Dunn and Bradstreet numbers of the U.S. corporate government and most of it's major agencies, States and the capitol's, and U.N. and it's several agencies are at the bottom


Most are probably unaware the Vatican in it's business faction controls what is called the Air Jurisdiction, and controls the corporate charters behind them all, as well as what are the Trusts created for each of our countries entities, and instead of being used for our benefits is being used against us through fraudulent legal means instead of lawful and their is a difference.

Sorry my likes don't seem to work on this win7 computer, yet edits and replies do? Unless I get a reply and view it in my notifications it will let me somehow.

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Congrats Sweden! Greta sad. When will the deportations begin?

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It can’t happen soon enough...particularly if you are a young Swedish woman.

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Speaking as an immigrant (from Scotland originally) I can see it coming. The growing anti incomer sentiment is making a lot of people who genuinely moved here with the intention of making homes for ourselves, integrating into Swedish society and becoming part of it, nervous. Whilst I'm sure many Swedes won't care, bear in mind there are also Swedish people who married and had children to foreigners, and not all of them are the commonly "undesirable" kind.

Yet I do see the time coming when we will all be tarred with the same brush.

Is that desirable? Swedes, please let me know...

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You like being taxed? What are you even talking about? Have vacinations damaged your brain? Have you read the 2030 and 2021 agendas? Your children will be slaves if these elites continue their anti human family agendas, wake up and read!

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Can you explain why you ranted at my comment? Where did I mention I liked being taxed? If you care to read my stack you will see that I'm well aware of what's coming and am doing my best to fight against it. For what it's worth, I didn't take the killshots. Do some of your own reading before you lash out.

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I apologize and appreciate your position. Unfortunately I didn't see your previous post and only saw your fear of the right wing sentiment happening. Unfortunately we all are being divided by these globalists purposely and for their intent to remove our freedom of speech first and foremost. You and I are now on the same page.

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I think Greta 🤢 most likely spurred this on. Can thank her for being such a catalyst for change. No one wants what she’s selling.

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Why deport? We can use the illegal immigrants to build new railroads, dig ditches and so on until they have repaid their debt.

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Respectfully, you trust them? Hmm.

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Explain, if you like, because I don't understand?

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These illegal immigrants want to harm us.

You be safe and take care.

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That I know full well, and have known since the 1980s.

When I'm saying "let them build railroads", I'm talking about doing it the old-fashioned way: manual labour, in shackels.

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I wouldn’t trust their work to meet standards... But there’s always garbage & site clean-up?

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😆 🤣, imagine the timeless irony of your statement so perfect! As thousands of years of autocratic controlled societies have done! Perfectly stated in two sentences getting across your point so well. Get the government out of society! No more taxes! No more enslavement of lower and middle class! Less authoritarian agendas such as criminal organizations UN/WEF/NATO/WHO all unelected controlled by the elites and funded by taxpayers to enslave you, I and our children destroying their God given (not man given( freedoms!

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In the 70s illegal workers were very dependable.

I wouldn’t trust them now… even if they were in shackles.

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Why the change, do you think? I’m not too familiar with the Swedish situation.

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Because the people coming aren't coming because they want to become swedes they are coming to influence Sweden and still hold allegiance to whatever country they come from. They invade all countries as "immigrants" with no loyalty to those countries with the mission of taking advantage of the system to raise families accumulate wealth and then slowly takeover the culture, narrative, and government by calling them racists if they didn't agree 💯

It's not just a Swedish situation it's happening in all Western countries and the EU right now. Even Ireland has had a huge influx of refugees and migrants. It's literally touching most developed countries

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Terrible idea. Besides being uneconomical- machines do these things- allow me to share a phrase I have heard in response to the fact that 50% of murders in the USA are committed by a 13% radial minority: “We should have picked our own cotton.” 100 years from now your descendants will say “We should have dug our own ditches.”

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Oh it’s over 50 percent. And the 13 percent should probably be quartered to males of a young age. I’d say more like 3 to 4 percent

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It's unsustainable to have that many extra people in your country. Even if they rebuilt the entire country it would still cost citizens jobs they didn't want to lose. It would also put a strain on all social and economic services like it is now.

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I didn't think Sweden took in a bunch of migrants did they? I thought they put their for down and didn't allow any in?

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When will Gates and Klaus be cell mates eating bugs w King Chaz the turd?

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Not soon enough!

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Dear God, please let Canada follow Sweden’s lead and help us to get rid of the vile Liberal party that is driving our country into Hell at ‘Warp’ speed at the same time! Amen.🙏🏻

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Yes let’s get rid of Turdeau and Jackshit Singh as well as goose stepping jackboots Freeland.

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Until the wilfully blind snap out of it, we are in for a whole lot worse I’m afraid.

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I think you’re going to need St. Jude as well.

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Scrapping the goals is not enough. When will politics realize and tell the people, that the whole climate agenda is a lie from the start to control the whole world by God's chosen psychopaths?

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"god's" chosen psychos... https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/lucifers-chosen-people-from-whence cometh all the trouble in the world

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Just as with lock-downs, Sweden appears to be ahead of the curve.

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Yes, interestingly enough!

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I'm not convinced we're on the right track until the Swedish government bins the NATO plan to use Sweden and Finland as pawns in an attempt to provocate Russia into a new war.

I'm not convinced we're on the right track until Thorium is promoted as the new source for nuclear energy. (Did you know Thorium (abundant, no lethal waste, cheap) was discarded only because it is unfit for nuclear weapons?)

I'm not convinced we're on the right track until Sweden starts to protect our God given nature instead of destroying and robbing it to the core just for profane profit.

I might get a little more optimistic when Sweden would revoke their already given consent to the WHO plandemic treaty. We'll see. They have a few months left to do so.

I won't be holding my breath though.

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Interesting about Thorium. I'll have to look into this. I hope Sweden and all nations wake up and do what is in their own best interests.

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Are you serious? Sweden was rewarded for being 'good'.

Almost completely cashless; hand microchip beta test dating from 2016; poster child for multi-culturism; centre for transhumanism...

I've known more than one switched on Swede who described Sweden as 'fascism in slow motion' - and they were not referring to the far-right.

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Leaders in Sweden should avoid riding in small planes, small water craft and eating foods they don't prepare for themselves. These WEF people will stop at nothing to ensure their drive for world domination stays on track, as we've seen.

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Remember Dag Hammerskjöld.

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That’s what I was thinking. They’ll even employ HAARP and DEW technology to create ‘natural’ disasters to force climate change down throats.. and make people regret never adhering to their agenda

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Great news. Now I hope they will remove the vaccine passport for my dog.

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They kill pets with the same garbage.

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We are gaining momentum but they won't give up without a fight. Hang on!

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They've yet to bring the big guns out.

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If they're really serious, they'll round up every immigrant/asylum seeker ( euphemism for deliberately planted invader - refer Kalergi Plan and Barbara Lerner Spectre You tube) and give them a week to sort out their affairs before repatriating them to their country of origin. If they refuse then dump them at sea in very small boats. Next step, withdraw permanently from the WHO (World Hom 💉 c 💉 de Organi$ation) , WTO, UN etc. After that hold a gloves off full scale enquiry into the Stupid 19 SCAMdemic with unlimited terms of reference and with full participation from Germ Theory debunkers. Force the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex to divulge EXACTLY what they put in ALL quackcines and to prove that contagious pathogenic viruses exist using the scientific method.

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I want countries all over to get on board with this and then proceed to defund and dismantle each and every world organization WHO WTO WEF and obliterate UN.

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Awesome!! Smart Sweden 🇸🇪- all other countries need to follow- Do not comply!!

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So Sweden must have a genuine right wing option? Here in the UK, we do not have such an option. Whichever party gets elected, we get more of the same globalist insanity. 'Not worth voting now, which means we'll have to fight. They leave us no choice.

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The Swedish Democrats are the most right-wing party we have in Sweden.

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Fantastic news. Let's hope they are leading the way everywhere else in the world

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Praise God

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Thank God. Now if Canada could pull its head out of its ass, learn something, and do the same.

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Trudeau is so ideologically obsessed with climate change it's difficult to believe he will change course. Let's hope for a miracle.

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He absolutely will not. He's over his head in the death cult.

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Think I may consider moving to Sweden in the future, unless the U.K. properly gets its act together and ‘Wakes Up!!’

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Too late for that we are dead in the water stuck farmer is gates and swabs illegitimate offspring

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