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Argentine president gave Davos a serve, and Trump has stated he won’t support CDBC

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Be very careful of who you vote for. Jews have taught us great lessons about Trotskyites, about playing both sides, about how to gather so much wealth you can control the world except on one concept that five of my US presidents and one solitary congressman were assassinated for, and this is monetary reform away from Central Banks. Divest now and invest in your country, it's culture and all those foreign who believe in it.

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Our current prime minister Anthony Albanese is a Trotsky adherent and proud of it. We not only need to get creative ntrol from centralise private banks like the Fed or our RBA we need to remove our countries from the corrupt UN and WHO .

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Everyone says how wonderful, but you must pull the curtain back and question always the imperative of authority to know if they have the people of your country and culture at heart. These "decades planners" see that you are offered people who placate you and your humanitarian dreams. Lots of deception in the world from crypto christians to crypto jew zionistists. Can't believe the Zionists who have been known to sacrifice their own people, but we simply don't know how much of Zionistism invades all of the Orothodox Jewish culture, despite their posturing. You would think they would have revealed intent, secret societies, The Protocols of the Elders, a long time ago if we could trust them. But no, instead we find tunnels under NYC.

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Don't trust Trump. He just gave Johnson the green light to hand over 61B$ to Ukraine. They had a meeting 3 days before the vote at Mar-del-Largo (spelling?) where that was discussed. After all, Trump has to suck up to the "chosen" for dear life. Israel also got it's beggar's shekels to further kill Palestinians.

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Great to see some governments retain brains!

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Giving the cash finger to the globopsychohomopedo brigade.

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This is excellent news!! Thank you Peter

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God bless them...These WEF, NWO agendas need to be stopped. Maybe they could develop a vaccine for THAT.

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Ya....warp speed that one!

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Wonderful news, this is SO important. NO to CBDC’s. Everrrrrrrr.

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I love this step! It's so much the right thing to do.

If you pay with a microchip under your skin, I dread to think what happens when it doesn't work.

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Go Sweden

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This is a great thing!! Cash is the way of freedom and the future.

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Try to use cash for as many transactions as possible. Explain why when needed. If you try to keep cash relevant by taking it out of the bank and spending it everywhere it shows local businesses your value as a customer. If they don't accept cash, take your business elsewhere and explain why you are leaving.

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That is about the only way to stop digital currency, use cash. Children will never be able to manage their finances without knowing cash, neither can many adults out on the town with their debit card, but they can control their spending with cash.

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this is a step in the right direction … i hope the next Swedish government does not U-turn on it

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Great for Sweden

Let's hope others countries follow your lead 🙏

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We absolutely MUST get Trump back if we are to end the Globalist, Marxist insanity.

Our Book "Invisible Treason in America" came out as the #1 New Book on Amazon in October. It is STILL in the top ten in several Amazon categories.

Invisible Treason is a "must read" for all who care about Freedom and our Republic. It is also an easy, quick read for all Americans -- from High School level to senior citizens, and especially for our military and our Vets.

We've now made a massive price reduction -- for a limited time, you can buy it at wholesale prices on Amazon, only $7 (not $14!) with FREE Shipping, and as many copies as you wish.

Send a copy to your elected representatives, it just might help.



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I disagree. He's a Trotskyite, a Trojan horse, and just what the Rothschild empire wants, a despot. Read these.https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=nilus&book=protocols&story=doctrine

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I tried to get information out on my studies about Gareth Jones and others. Understand, at one point in my gmail experience I had a character appear with dark glasses on and it looked as if I was either being marked as a spy or a researcher of truth. Here is some of what I said to the beautiful human being who should own this site but may not, too unbelieving such evil exists in the world and contrary to Christen beliefs, who the evil take advantage of on a constant basis. When I post this, I am full aware that even you who replied to me are against my truths. We shall see when it posts or not.

WHO needs to fail. They are an arm of an evil agenda that's trying to kill a number of us.

Did you know these little known figures designed and implemented the mass murder of non-jews: Russian Holocaust, Lev Bronstein Trotsky; Ukrainian Holocaust (Holodomore), Lazar Kaganovich; Kazakh Holocaust,Fillip Goloshchyokin; Armenian Holocaust, Talaat Pasha. They were all Jews.

Diabolical cleverness is not your forte. The Jews of the world on Team Rothschild empire play both sides or even multiple sides of any issue. It is historical and written. And much of their wealth came from the enslavement of others, specifically Africans: See: Jews and Judaism In the United States, A Documentary of History by Marc Lee Raphel; A History of Jews To the End of WWII, Solomon Grayzel; United States Jewry, 1776-1985, Jacob Radar Marcus. I would suggest you look up Archived copies as I have personally discovered the originals are often edited, information removed in newer editions of anything that tells the truth about Jews.

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Yes! Vote Trump so that he can fast track another experimental treatment to market. 👍

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EXACTLY! He's a mass-murdering WEF puppet - still pushing his genocidal Operation Warp Speed, whilst proudly calling himself 'The Father of the Vaccine'.

I see him as nothing but a piece of treasonous gallows fodder, who should have been executed in 2020 after he announced he would withdraw all US funding to the WHO, which he did; but redirected it all plus $MILLIONS more to Bill Gates's GAVI enterprise. Thanks to Trump: Gates is now the WHO's largest contributor.

One might as well assume the WHO and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the same GLOBALIST, humanity loathing organization.

But most of our deluded and stupid fellows still see him as their Lord and Saviour, and quite disturbingly: they firmly believe that him and his mythical 'White Hats' are coming to save them because they're too lazy, too COWARDLY and compliant to stand-up for their own God-given rights and do what they can do themselves - ideally just refuse to comply with it all. They're so dumbed-down, they just go along to get along: believe that they can comply their way out of totalitarianism!

Those Trumptarded fools are not only part of the problem, they and their gleeful compliance are THE problem and something needs to be done about them. If NOBODY complied with any of the globalist's fake and illegal mandates & diktats, this whole agenda would collapse like the fragile house of cards it really is in no-time.

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This is indeed good news! We need to send those Weffers and other assorted tyrants to their own island where they can try out their dystopian fantasies on each other. ho ho!

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Bought a couple of hot chocolates from a little kiosk snack bar on the French slopes a couple of weeks ago.

They had a sign in the window with cash only, as I ordered the drinks he confirmed that cash was ok, I smiled as I stated cash was king to which he smiled back saying indeed it is.

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