No! Not scared of mpox because I am not a homosexual man having contact with multiple other men that know nothing of the diseases said other men are carrying. And anyone who was paying attention the first time this scaremongering came up ought to know damn well the likelihood of them getting it is small. Unless of course it has been weaponized this time around.


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As far as I can tell, as long as I'm not having gratuitous sexual contact with men who sleep around with other men, prostitutes of either sex or the pets of those individuals (😫), there's no need to worry. As a happily married Christian woman, I think I'll be just fine. Both because I follow God's Commandments and because the Lord is my sword and my shield against the evil in the world. I'll pray for those suffering with monkeypox that they'll receive Almighty God in their hearts and minds and be able to stand with the Lord against the righteous punishments of sodomites. #GodWins

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Here's where I stand on this whole 'health emergency' - global - or not Chicken-Little-hysteria - I'll take my chances with the 'emergency'.

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I don't scare easy to BS. This sounds like another trick by democrats to win in this election. Stop trying so hard democrats, because Trump will win this time.

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