I forgot to mention this in the article.

In the Soviet Union, the labelled dissidents as "mentally ill" and used that excuse to lock them up in pshyciatric wards.

Are we beginning to see this happening now?

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Yes we are and its an effective strategy to use. Do to most human beings need for acceptance this shaming language is highly effectively when leveraged. It takes truly hard headed personality types to not succumb, the kind of person who doesn't care if he is socially accepted or not b/c he does what's right. I said he and not he/she b/c this is really teh realm of men as most women tend to be high in agreeableness.

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One thing is for sure. Those that have managed to resist the coercion over the last few years are tough people. We paid a heavy price.

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It is the time of testing of placing blade to stone to sharpen it for the coming fight. These people have serious $$ and power and their families have for generations being working back towards a modern theocracy like state and they are not going to back down nor are they going to do like past generations and step back and regroup because the current generation of these psychopaths' have been told all tehri lives that this all would happen under their leadership and they are not going to kick that to their next generation. They are determined to be modern day Kings and queens globally

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As a woman, I think this is not a generalization I would make. I know many very strong willed and strong minded women who did not succumb to this propaganda and I know plenty of men who did. In fact, I was quite amazed that more than a few men I know got the jabs without their wives knowing. Caused quite a bit of trouble in those marriages. So let’s be fair, this isn’t a gender issue!

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Interesting. Men need to become more masculine for sure!

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It takes a self confident Alpha male to handle a relationship with an Alpha female, but those of us lucky enough to find that type of partner are the strongest team. The Betas are the ones losing this war!

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In my age group (mid 20s) both seem to be in short supply...

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You are so correct! We’ve raised a generation of weaklings more concerned with their feelings than anything else. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the reasons Covid was created to target the older age groups is because they understand history better(having lived it longer), know what it’s like to live under real democracy, and are harder to lead around by the nose. Gotta get rid of all those non-compliant old folks so the purple haired whiners can take over. Thank God for guys like you, Peter!

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That's b/c of what was done to your generation via the national education system(s). I Can't speak to other nations but in the US it was with the Millennials that they cranked up teh indoctrination process. The mind can be broken down and reconditioned, the Military does this albeit not to the extent a cult does but it's the same principal to varying degrees. The human mind is not designed to maintain multiplying conflicting ideas and in order to be a part of eth woke cult you have to do exactly that. For many the way the mind deals with this via 1 or more mental disorders. The indoctrination process eventually breaks one's mind and that persons mind deals with it however it can either via multiple personality disorder or something as simple/common as depression or anxiety. Deep down we all know the woke non-sense is a bunch of conflicting craziness but since it's verbally beaten into ones head while a pre-teen and later a teen that need for social acceptance drives one to suppress any questions about what is perceived to be teh general accepted belief like man caused climate change. Anyone who questioned it while still in school was the outsider that few if any wanted to be around. In previous generations once out of school and in the work force this absurdity would be driven out as adult were in charge but with teh tech boom and teh rise of the Millennials young and inexperienced persons were able to quickly gain positions of power and so we had a disprortionate number of adult aged juveniles in key decision making positions like for social media.

It was the combination of the increased indoctrination of kids via public education along with the success of the tech boom and online commerce that drastically upended the generational norms and enabled a generation of adult aged juveniles to come to power. Now we have fortune 500 companies putting the message ahead of profitability. While this can’t last for the same reason communism never lasts, this is happening in the private sector and not the public sector so we’re in new territory with, as far as I can tell, not historical precedence to compare this too and thus hard to predict. A lot of pushback including organized pushback is taking place across America and the world but is it enough? For some nations I believe there is still a chance while for many the fight is over; it’s just a matter of waiting for enough other UN Nations to be taken over and then once they hit a % threshold of participating nations they will execute the reset. A slow and controlled burn or in this case demolishing of global proportions.

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It takes a weak simp because no real Alpha male is going t9 tolerate a boss babe type of woman. Feminisms has lied to women about what men want and how women should be. There's a very dark future ahead for all those feminists who adhered to feminist ideology and became masculine boss bases with college degree's, careers and whom are also old and alone and highly unlikely to ever get married again.

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Masculine in intellegent assessments as one who will decide what's right and stand on the truth of real facts never popular heresay...!

NO proof of real tesfing or efficacy was stated shown nor in such paperwork that legally should be available everywhere esp vaxing sites tho merely stated was "Trust the science" and "I am the science" from lying little weasel Faux-ci

Dr. Charles Simone – The DOD Created The Vaccines, What If Cures Already Exist? They Do https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/dr-charles-simone-the-dod-created-the-vaccines-what-if-cures-already-exist-they-do/

INSTEAD = "WE the Peoples" of the entire world got;


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I ask a simple question. Every morning, noon and night we hear on TV dire warnings from drug companies regarding the effects of tested, verified drugs. Why no such warnings on the “vaccine”? The release you sign at your neighborhood Walgreens basically tells the drug manufacturer of the Vaccine that you are doing this willingly. Hmmmm why mandate a drug you know nothing about which you have signed off on exonerating the drug manufacturers? Good for the second level of review in Germany. But also ask why was this forced in the first place. And, 97% of people were vaccinated?? Really that’s a positive? It is in my view a reflection of how far the elites can push their agenda on a sheep-like public.

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You are correct Judy, my husband got vaccinated without me knowing. When I expressed my concerns he called me a conspiracy theorist. I am thankful I resisted the push from all sides. Friends and family.

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Judy - I never said all. It is biological reality that the majority of women can not be effective leaders in governance. That's not saying the same as none can b/c we've had obvious exceptions like Margaret Thatcher or even Hillary Clinton whom I despise but can recognize has what is needed to be a leader albeit a corrupt sell-out leader. That said we don't make decisions based on what impacts the few but the majority so long as their Constitutional Rights aren't violated and the majority of women are absolutely high i agreeableness and thus low in disagreeableness and one needs to be the reverse of that to be effective in governance both in the public and the private sector. My wife, GenX, is an exception to this rule and she will tell you that men should be leading and not women.

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Yes tho this totally depends on which ones actually lived with real commonsense, paiding close attention to then infelligently follow up on details can be either gender...!

Seems opposites attract = so either one, both or neither may be so endowed but are merely go along Sheople...!

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Judy - we are speaking in general. There are always exceptions to any rule but those exceptions, those outliers, don't change the rule in general, for the majority and that is how we make decisions, based on the majority. This is also not an opinion but a well researched fact regarding agreeableness in the sexes.

There are women, swingers, who can engage in sex with a large number of men and it not damage their marriage but most women can not. Does that mean that women in general shouldn't be mindful with how many men they have sex with, just because a very of them will be able to do it without any issues? Or should they be cautious and follow the path that is better suited for most women, being the opposite of promiscuous, being chaste or as close to it as possible?

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Unfaithfulness and perversion as well as perverse untrustworthy individuals ARE the not only the detriment of but the deadended collapse of any society mostly usually end up condoning pederasty as WE now see here if ever surviving to that that point...!

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Try telling that to my husband. I lead the spirit of free thinking and obstinacy in our house.

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Alice - exceptions to the rule don't change the rule in general, as it applied to most. This bit about agreeableness isn't something I pulled out of the thin air or is just an opinion but something they've studded and any reasonable minded person can see how its applicable to most men and women. Most women seek to avoid confrontation where as most men are less likely to avoid it. In my household if I hadn't been of teh same mind my wife would have been teh one leading teh push back in our household that doesn't mean she's less agreeable than me.

We don't make decisions based on the few but the many while honoring the individual rights of the few. So to that end we don't make decision about agreeableness based on how a small percent of women go against the grain.

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The root problem causing most of our other problems is that our main operating system (government/schools/media) have been corrupted.

If you tell us the kind of systems that govern over you, we can accurately predict your quality of life. If those systems are corrupted then so are you (and your families).

It is time to organize with other like minded individuals and fix them.

We know the solutions. Decentralize everything. Demand transparency in systems. And most efficiently, weaponize the tyranny of the masses back onto the people corrupting our systems to end this Global Agenda.

Please, give this some thought: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/weaponized-direct-democracy-the-kryptonite?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I don't believe the majority of these are salvageable and of the ones that are they are insignificant in comparison to the rest. The only possible salvation is parallels systems and ideally where our parallels eventually overtakes the old. These parallel systems (ie replacements) MUST be constructed with greater restrictions and precautions to put off future corruption; we will never ever fully prevent corruption b/c human kind is to open to temptation but we can make it very costly and a lengthy process for the corruptors.

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During the Soviet/Afghani war, those considered dissidents in the Baltic States, were conscripted and sent to the front line as cannon fodder. This was how the Soviets eliminated any p[possible opposition voices during their occupation of Baltic States

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Dear Peter,

I love your articles as they are so insightful and to me vital, but for the life of me how in the heck can one manage and pay for the subscription. I can not find the information anywhere. You would think at the bottom where you see manage, the makers or architects of Substack would point to a link where one can do so. I cannot contribute a lot, but would like to contribute to your vital work toward freedom!

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Unbelievably sickening that this lady had to endure this appalling treatment.

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I cannot imagine the stress she is suffering from this.

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Especially at the age of 85 with a clear memory of Nazis.

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Yes! ☹️😢😢

This judge is inhuman and should have his Bar license revoked forever!

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Absolutely! I’d fight and kick and do whatever, I would not submit!

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"history repeats"

Not really. The reason for this verdict was not "because jewish".

But it's sad that her helpers had to resort to this angle of it to get ANY movement there, such as another court revoking the decision of the treatment (but not the forced institutionalization, and once that has taken place and the public attention to this has subsided, it may be very fast that the forced injection will also take place.

Think about other people that happens to, who can't rely on that historical aspect to throw at the "justice" system as a public stun(t) grenade.

This shows you what this all means: They can basically make up arbitrary BS excuses force people into medical treatments - and nonsensical and only negative ones at that.

And not "just" indirectly coerced by "jab for job", but actually held down by goons and forcibly injected.

It's a small foretaste of when the Pandemic Treaty will be in action.

Anyway, I have not yet really understood what the actual grounds for this are... they cited slight dementia, and supposed narcissist grandiosity... If the latter part is reason to put someone in the looney bin, most politicians in high positions should be there.

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Remember I actually wrote about this in my previous article with the brain implants. How long until they will use "mental illness" as an excuse to go after dissidents like they did in the Soviet Union?

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Reminds me of The Twilight Zone: Number 12 Looks Just Like You (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734604/). The state objects to individualism, and they have found a way to eliminate it, including correcting your thoughts.

Reviewer wrote: "I'd forgotten what a horror story this episode is. It's truly chilling how a future totalitarian State (no, not "corporations", as some reviewers claim) is so determined to stamp out all individuality, all love, all ability to truly feel, all independent thought."

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It is a repeated. You d know that it wasn't just teh Jews the Nazi's went after right? There were several groups of what they considered undesirables. What gave focus to teh Jews is there were more of them than the other classes of undesirables and teh Jews had things of value teh Nazi's could steal to benefit from. Previously it wasn't simply because one was a Jew but because one was one of a number of groups targeted.

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Only that the context of this blog article w.r.t. history repeating _is_ about "teh jews" being targeted as "teh jews" (what retard meme is that spelling?), so you don't actually have a point and seem rather confused.

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No. It's about a repeat of history, a repeat of the violation of what we have come to term the Nuremburg Principle so yes I very much have a point.

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I re-read everything and now I think I see what you missed. Peter said a repeat b/c it is a repeat. What the Nazi's did resulted in the Nuremburg Trials and this idea known as "Informed Consent", something teh Nazi's did not honor with teh Jews. The nation of Germany is repeating history b/c like with teh Nazi's they are going to ignore :Informed Consent". if you still can't comprehend it I don't know what else to tell you. Are you just sensitive to anything that looks like it might be a criticism of Israel or Jews?

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Absolutely! People like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the rest of those psychos should be in there. I can only hope Jesus returns very soon and then judge the rest of this evil world and throw them into the eternal pit of hell.

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Unbelievable. Hope that judge gets kicked out.

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Should be fired immediately.

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Don't count on it. The judicial system has become as corrupt as the rest of government and these bastards (men & women in black robes) self-discipline which means few if any every actually get disciplined, the rest cover for them.

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Buchenwald mentality surfacing.

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I was born in Stuttgart and my German mother and Chinese father left for a better life…to Canada. They got us ALL now. Fight these evil bastards with every ounce of being.

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Yes, absolutely! Trudeau is exactly like the rest of the psychos.

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Simply reprehensible

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Thank God friends have her in hiding

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I remember another time when they had to rely on good Samaritans to hide from tyranny.

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Indeed, History repeating itself again! This is nothing new and it has been going on for quite a while (over a decade in some places in Europe)

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One thing I forgot to mention in the article. The Soviet Union labeled dissidents as "mentally ill" and locked them up in phsyciatric hospitals. This is looking similar to that...

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Long long long long time ago. Germany, US, UK, Poland, EU are doing it now. Facts are facts.

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That's standard procedure, to label and ridicule the enemy, to paint them as somehow less or even dangerous. In teh US they've successfully labeled as domestic terrorists any parents who speak out at school board meetings in opposition to gender mutilation of young kids and they achieved this thanks to willing participation of our news media.

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Do not forget there is a huge cartel behind much of this today.

WEF This is real evil.

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About you're comment from Australian data re people being hospitalised by "Covid" after receiving four Covid shots . You cannot be hospitalised by a non existent disease . The so called Sars virus which is alleged to cause the so called disease called Covid has never been proven to exist. PCR is not a diagnostic test .These figures are official figures which means they are understated and it also means that the hospitalisations are from the poisonous shots themselves and not Cv.This lie about a virus and a disease called Cov must cease or this tyranny will never end .

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The Adversarial system knowingly and falsely represent themselves as LAW upon which we all rely concealing the material fact they are a DEATH culture by which we all suffer enormous loss for their own gain of function and profit. BAR Association Judiciary Jural Society Police. A fraud as to LAW concealing a fraud as to government. Leveraged implied informed consent is not mutual consent free of all obligation of guilt, liability of shame, debt of blame.

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Unreal. I served in Germany during Cold War 1980. Love the country and her citizens.

But now sliding into a horrible trend ones again.

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They have forgotten what they did in the past haven't they? Do they not understand they just did to that person what was done to them when the NAZI's were running the country? WTF is wrong with them? I can't even imagine the trauma that Holocaust survivor is going thru right now.

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When do Stop This EVIL

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How throughly EVIL.

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I never thought this could happen in my lifetime. Now here we are.

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Theresa lot of us who thought many things that have happened never would have in our lifetime. Not sure what if any religious affiliations you have but in eth Christian Bible it speaks of how in the end times right will be wrong, up will be down, good will evil; basically everything is flipped as we see the woke are trying to do. Once they can destroy objectifiable reality from being a factor in all government decisions that's it. The slippery slope becomes the inescapable slide

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