It’s helpful to remember what RFK, Jr recently said - Throughout the history of the world, those who impose censorship have NEVER been the good guys. They are always from the side of evil and always progress from censorship to totalitarianism. Maybe that’s what Progressive really means to Democrats??

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Too many are blind to the agenda driving the paradigm in the US. We ARE waking up and a lot of voices out their warning heading up to the election. Harris IS a Marxist. Too many chasing shiny objects to pay attention. Our election will be a Spiritual litmus test……..Prayers

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Recommend the following book: "Mao's America" - A Survivor's Warning, by Xi Van Fleet.

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Just downloaded it from my public library. Thanks.

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Hey Peter! How did you avoid the brainwashing? How many of your fellow Swedes have declined to believe in the socialism of Sweden?

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My friend in Brazil told me they’re planning to forbid X/Twitter ….. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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They already have,

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Well, the plan was there. But from what I understood they haven’t finalized it yet. But that’s 3 days ago so maybe it’s changed already. Ughh this makes me so mad, because it’s so unfair 😡

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They are after Elon,like the marxofascists here in America are!

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Feels like another smoke show to me but we’ll see … watch the show 🍿

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The current push is to control and manipulate media called disinformation”.. We experienced that under COVID and continue to deal with it to fight the totalitarian agenda to govern ( rule and control) us.

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I know.. I know.. silly of them to think that’ll work 🍿😎

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Well said Peter,i have dear friends in Malmo who moved out of the urban center to a more rural area,but still dont really see whats happening to Sweden, just like the bulk of Christan churchs in America,SILENT complacent,apostate! We here in America are frightenly close a marxofascist takeover.The one big wrench in the machine is the 2nd Amendment,i live right on the border and see now more than ever folks who have know the truth and have washed the filth of MSM, out of their lives." The government is not OUR friend"! This fight will not be won overnight! Stay Frosty

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Boggles my mind that there still exist people (like PS) who not simply believe that Communism/ Socialism is the cause of all the world's ills, but are obsessed over it; that Communism is somehow different, somehow worse than Fascism/ Nazism. It's as if they've never bothered to investigate their affinity. They are, IMHO, the two faces of the same coin known as totalitarianism. The catch phrase du jour, of course, remains "Cultural Marxism."

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Communism/Socialism may or may not be worse than Fascism/Nazism, but Marxist ideology and practice is certainly a lot more prevalent in the West. It's behind all the DEI poison currently infecting our institutions and cultures. Meanwhile, leftists imagine that anyone with a shred of pride in their own nation and culture must be a closet fascist at heart.

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communism and socialism have in its nature a strong restriction against free speech

that is regarded as treason

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One of the most accurate sentences you've ever written: "... then social media came along and people can get different perspectives on things, we are not reliant on the mainstream media to tell us what to think anymore. Now, citizen journalists can do as much reporting as the media and reach as many people or even more." You are shedding light, spreading the word and giving hope to all of us who just want to live in freedom. Thank you.

Just saw this on Jimmy Dore's YT show - "Rescue The Republic Rally To SAVE Western Civilization! w/ Bret Weinstein & Angela McArdle"

"On Sunday, September 29th 2024 a group of leaders, scholars and other notables will converge on the grounds in Washington DC between the World War II Memorial and the Washington Monument to stage the “Rescue the Republic” rally. As something of a follow-up to the recent “Rage Against the War Machine” rally, this event will feature speakers including Russell Brand, Matt Taibbi, Tulsi Gabbard and — that’s right! — Jimmy Dore.

"Jimmy speaks with rally organizers Bret Weinstein and Angela McArdle about the event’s ambitions, what they mean by “rescue the republic” and how people can get involved."



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This is a very well written article, Mr. Imanuelsen, as well as instructive for me because I didn't think that Socialism had as strong a hold on the people of your nation as you described. However, I would like you to read the first eight verses of Luke chapter 4. Then, simply reason on what it is saying. Then you will understand under whose control ALL government authority rests, and why true Christians do not try to change their government through the vote or any other way....they are waiting for the government described at Daniel 2:44 to "crush" and replace all governments of

imperfect men with a "government that will never be brought to ruin", and will rule mankind with perfect justice, after a war mentioned only once in the Bible in Rev. chapter 16: the war of Armageddon....not a nuclear war, but God's war to "remove those ruining the earth"(Rev.11:18) !

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As a true Christian, I don't affirm what you say about not trying to change the government through the vote or any other way. If Christ is Lord of all, and we are his ambassadors, then we in fact have a duty to profess His Lordship in all areas - including politics. It's largely because of the influence of Christians that we even have democracy in the first place. And its largely because of the passivity of Christians that our political culture has become so corrupted in recent decades. In this context, I think we would be highly remiss not to at least exercise the right to vote.

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I wish I could believe you! It would be so simple but reality is that Orthodox Christianity is anything BUT the source of democracy and freedom! The Roman Catholic Church has opposed freedom and critical thinking for centuries. Likewise Fundamentalist Christianity is even less tolerant of alternate viewpoints. and critiques of perceived irrational “beliefs”. Their recalcitrant views of gays and other “heresies” brook no opposition to their wholesale condemnation of something which is clearly no whimsical “choice” but considered a spiritual path in many other religious traditions for example! Instead of trying to understand the spiritual underpinning of such things, their unrelenting condemnation of what is found thruout Nature which is the true manifestation of Creators Will, shows the direct opposite!

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There's a lot one could get into here, but it still remains a fact that modern mass democracy, combined with the related rights of freedom of speech and conscience, are very substantially the product of Christian influence. It's all to do with the idea of equality, which many people don't realise came from the Bible rather than Enlightenment thinking or pagan philosophy. When people use the idea of equality to attack Christian thinking, e.g. in relation to minority rights, they often fail to realise that they are actually using a Christian argument. In fact, we wouldn't even be having these kind of debates but for the influence of the Christian faith over many centuries. In emphasising the essential value of every individual human, Christianity encourages us to think that everyone should have the same rights and freedoms. Whereas in many other cultures (outside the traditional Christian sphere, I mean) this kind of thinking would be considered absurd. I strongly recommend The Book That Made Your World (by an Indian intellectual) for more investigation of these issues, including a very useful contrast with Indian theology and practice. Also, The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener.

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Sep 4Edited

It's not 'free speech' that is under attack, it is our very freedom itself, this has been going on for decades. The communist movement started to really infiltrate the western system in the sixties via the education system, their useful idiots were the professors subverting western educational system to pave the way for this cohort of leaders all of whom were the activist students in the seventies and eighties who have now achieved leadership roles at every level of Federal, state and local Government, the union movement, medium to small business and even the major investment, venture capital firms (Blackrock, Vanguard, Pharma, major resource industries and tech. Their choice of vehicle back then was poor vs rich, anti vietnam war. That all started to fall apart, so Global Cooling driven by the filth at the Club of Rome who are also behind the CO2 warming scam and are the propaganda arm of the WEF and UN when it comes to climate. The UN and these financial powerhouses also use the LGBT as a vehicle, having infiltrated that movement as well. Australia is a prime example, the Labor Left at the behest of its Communist masters tried to force "The Voice" on this country, a cheap racist trick to allegedly heal the past and create a more equitable nation. (Divide and Conquer) That failed, then the evidence starts showing as we dug deeper and the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People was dragged into the light. When one reads that document, it becomes evident this is designed to further divide and conquer using race and equality. It promises things like 'Indigenous autonomy', requires nations to return the lands that were colonised and settled by Europeans hundreds of years ago back to 'Native Title Holders', it goes to shady 'Aboriginal Corporations' here. This permits them to make all the decisions on who can access their lands or not, who can extract the resources and how the money from those resources is captured and spent. The whole premise of UNDRIP is to facilitate transfer of wealth supposedly to help but in reality, asset strip the entire country and its people. What little goes back to the first nations will be a minor redistribution of wealth. The rest of Australia will miss out except for the corrupt politicians and activists who work behind the scenes. Communists never get rich from hard work, its gained by exploitation and corruption. Since the test run of Communist martial law in the covid years, we are now witnessing and feeling the bite of Communism more and more each day. News reports of more land being handed back to these Aboriginal corporations who then lock the land down to anyone from outside their so called tribe (Mob). Every other Australian is banned from entering, even our own National Parks if the first nations are given title. If you do its jail and massive fines. (https://www.skynews.com.au/lifestyle/arts-and-culture/hiker-to-appeal-in-court-after-being-fined-for-climbing-sacred-indigenous-site-banned-to-the-public-mount-warning/news-story/d208a4e8fff4ddd5149f9b977c1479ca).

When there is a government or community run event, major or minor, the subverted and other organisers are forced into virtue signalling with the divisive 'Welcome to Country' a ritual to guilt trip any observer the land is stolen and they should feel priviledged to be there. Also designed to reduce the likelihood they will protest the land being taken from them and handed back to a minority who have been convinced they are victims, 200 years after colonisation to have it handed back for free. Another form of guilt tripping are 'smoking ceremonies' to cleanse the visitors of 'evil spirits' before you enter their district another racist tactic. Look at any Government or commercial Australian web site and you will see the patronising 'Acknowledgement' https://www.aph.gov.au/ more guilt tripping of every Australian that is not first nations into believing they have no right to the lands their forefathers settled (divide and conquer). Any government employee who is loyal to the 'State' will have the same message in their signature block of every email. Preparing all to be told, its all been handed back and hopefully without protest or worse. Now everyone knows where, 'You own nussing and you vill be happy' came from. Same in Canada, it continues in NZ, its going to happen in the USA even more if the Dems get in again. I wonder if the Swedish government will at some point claim a middle eastern race were the first nations of Sweden and Vikings were invaders who stole the land and it needs to be handed back. Quite possible. Apologies for the length but people really need to take a long hard look at what is going on here because we are the base line and test bed for the rest of the world.

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Good article, have a great day.

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Toppen att saker äntligen vänder. Det är samma här tyvarr!!

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Hej Peter! Jag är är svensk men bor i USA. Jag förstår att du försöker få ut sanningen och att det du säger att riktigt. Jag har försökt att få min mamma som bor i sverige att lyssna på dig men hon googlade tyvärr dig och det står att du är en nazist. Finns det någon som kan hjälpa dig att 'sudda ut' detta felaktiga rykte så att du kan få mera lyssnare. Det är så synd att svenskarna är så hjärntvättade. Lider med dom och undrar hur länge jag får ha kvar mina släktingar med alla dessa jabs dom har fått.

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Tråkigt att höra. Tyvärr har vänsterextremister spridit lögner om mig på internet. Dessa lögner kommer från en grupp som Svenska Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut har beskrivit som vänster extremister.

Vänstern gillar inte att jag exponerar deras lögner, så de försöker ljuga om mig och kallar mig "högerextrem" etc fastän detta självklart inte är sant.

Eftersom Google/Big Tech samarbetar med vänstern så är det inte lätt att få bort lögnerna från vänstern därifrån.

Men det är väldigt få som numera tror på vänsterns lögner, så det är bra. De kallar alla till höger om Stalin för "höger extremister" och då tappar de fort trovärdighet!

Du kan gärna visa din familj denna länken där jag motbevisar alla vänsterns lögner om mig: https://www.petersweden.org/p/debunking-the-lies-imanuelsen

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