THIS defines cities as 'Re-Education/Concentration Camps' or 'Prisons' and propagandizing this as 'Smart/15 min Cities' is as to 'RE-DEFINE/RE-IMAGINE' POISON Bio Weapons to be 'Vaccines'. Yet another psy-op.

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Many thanks to Peter for his efforts in raising public awareness of such draconian and communist like rules.

We must continue to fight for right

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Dear God, please let us stop the WEF, mRNA vaccines, wars and the eco-communism. This is all we ask u for Christmas

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First step is getting rid of the smartphone...or put it in a Faraday cage.

That smartphone will end up being a boot on your neck.

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"Global Tyranny is bigger than Global Warming" is summing up what is going on right now. It isnt about the climate, but about the destruction of our western way of life and replacing it by totalitarian control and communism. Our freedom worldwid is in danger!

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Escape from New York version one Oxford. What with those grooming gang problems there, maybe they’ll find the perpetrators.

Silly me, they’re only after the middle classes.

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Thank you Peter for being a Bright Light in this Dark Night. I read most all of what you write and so appreciate it all.

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The use of "You're a conspiracy Theorists" is a US Intel agency tactic for combating counter-propaganda and it's been so successful because the media has supported it. That said people are waking up to this BS and realizing that "Conspiracy Theorist" is a label used to try and shut down people and is not an accurate description of the person. Many are starting to take another look at Alex Jones who predicted a lot of this over a decade ago

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'And he insisted the controversial plan would go ahead whether people liked it or not'

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It was clear since the very beginning that they will do whatever they can to push European in the agenda 2030. Here we are. I don't think that it can be solved with elections, the system is too corrupt.

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They can use the bike, as often as they want. So this article is basically fake news.

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Get on your bike Vera, and ef off

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It's sarcastic.

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Satire? Otherwise, I am treating it as a serious, if bizarre and malevolent comment. Can you read, Vera? The plan severely restricts cars, banning users at a certain point. So, nothing *fake*. It's as real as the coy, oily deceit of those of your ilk who worship at the altar of fascist control. 'Hurt me harder, Daddy!'

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We have solutions to these problem if we want them. Transparency. Decentralization. And all of us collaborating back as problem solvers. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/worried-about-voter-fraud-lets-build

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I don't understand what people are getting so worked up about. Councils have been charging for parking for decades, and reading people's number plates (automatically or with a warden's eye) is nothing new. This is just a decision to make car driving less pleasant and/or more expensive, with the objective to reduce car usage.

It's reasonable to debate whether the council is making it *too* unpleasant/expensive, but it's really not any more or less Orwellian than what already happens.

Also, if you are an Oxford resident, and you don't like the decisions that your council takes, then consider who to vote for next time. But it's not communism FFS!

And if you're not a resident, then it's really none of your business - if you don't like it, don't visit Oxford.

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It's happening all over the world. So yes, we have a right to be interested. And if you think the government preventing you from travelling where you like and watching your every move is freedom, perhaps you deserve tyranny.

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Thank you for getting this info out. You have far more connections & avenues of investigation than virtually all of us do. Sharing this info is the most important job you have.

Sadly, it seems that Europe is capitulating to Klaus et al much quicker than I thought possible.

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