Go Slovakia! Not sure what language they speak there, but with this good news people may want to go there!

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Thanks for reporting this, Peter. Bit by bit, the plans for universal compliance the globalists require for their success is coming apart. Their whole plan was probably doomed from the get-go, as it was based on lies and deception. They had to hope that people would be too dumb to figure out the scam. Now it turns out that they are the dumb ones. Let us hope that they will be brought to justice. Hang 'em high!!!

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I contend that a small part of the whole COVID debacle was a dry run for the oligarchs to see how far and how long they could push ppl across the globe for a power grab with some other 'natural fiasco' as they marched toward world domination.

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"The report also recommends Slovakia to refuse to sign the WHO pandemic treaty as well as updated WHO regulations." Finally, some adults with commonsense are in charge. 🙄 And thanks, Peter, for all the info you bring to us. It is greatly appreciated. ❤️

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Oct 11·edited Oct 12

You know who hasn't gotten the killer shot? Bill Gates. What needs to happen is people like him and the other globalists who pushed this need to be put in a stadium and tied to chairs and be given the jabs and all their boosters at one time and see how they feel about it after that. Oh and take vials from all different places so the lots can't be fucked with. I would like to see that for their demonic push of this killing experimental mRNA death jab on the rest of us. But not me, I did not take it.

OHHHHHH and this needs to be filmed for all posterity to see over and over and over again!!!! They have committed Crimes Against Humanity and should pay for it.

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