
Would you eat mealworm insects to save the planet?

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ABSOLUTELY not.......but they have ways to force people to do what they want. I will eat grass in my backyard before I cave to these sociopaths.

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No. Especially not if its pushed by the WEF or the WHO or the Davos group or Bill Gates or any of those ridiculous old men who want to control the world. Their game is up can't they see that yet? The people know what they are about and have turned their backs on them.

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Obviously not! The planet has been saving itself with humans working and respecting it! Those big “brains” trying to detach the Homo sapiens from Nature and the animal kingdom… well .. they are just messing it up !

Walk with your naked feet on the ground, in the grass, on the sand and get the EARTH’s vibe .. that is life !

Let’s reclaim our pure air .. breathe it .. that is life !

No AI or QR code will ever replace life !

No human being has ever eaten bugs.. in thousands of years .. probably there is a reason why … yep.. we cannot digest it!


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NOpe, but here's an idea. How about one of those reality shows that takes Scwab, Gates, Soros and all the WEF and UN grandees, puts them on a remote island and offers them insects for food, unless they can manage to catch their own. No huts or shelters, no weapons, just 24/7 aerial surveillance via drones. I bet it would be a huge hit program!

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I'd watch! 😁

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kind of like that movie, "The Running Man"

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Excellent idea!

Just remember to make sure that they are all ‘vaccinated’ with every. single. poison.jab. well before being let loose. Not to mention masks and proper distancing. Oh - and no anti-parasite meds allowed either.

Should be most entertaining.

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In no way does the climate agenda actually put health of humans first. They put the planet first in such a way that they don't actually look for ways to innovate and make what we have better. They revert to electric cars...not innovative if you can't actually charge your vehicle or you charge it using coal powered electric guides to charge said car. Toyota is innovative, the blue fuel, hydrogen fuel cells. If you put health of the world's people on the list of priorities you want less processed chemical riddled fake food options. Stop lunacy of climate change politics...or should I say fringe religion.

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Maybe they can donate them to Klaus Schwab and his friends. They seem to think eating bugs is a good idea!

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I doubt that they are eating insects, more likely they dine on the finest meats.

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Be careful...they're coming for us all! Next, we will have to be euthanized because every human burps and passes gas. They're going to say that we are bad for the climate. Klaus Schwab and the other elitist cronies believe that Earth is only sufficient enough for 500,000 people. He stated all other humans had to die. Hmmm....COVID-19 vaccinations. What's next?

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"In other words, nobody is buying their insects. Looks like people are REJECTING the WEF agenda." That sentence jumped out at me & put me in mind of a very interesting book, "Originals: How Non-Conformists Move The World" by Adam Grant (2016). There is a chapter about the Segway & why it failed. Steve Jobs was rapturous about it.

"Steve Jobs called it the most amazing piece of technology since the personal computer. Enamored with the prototype, Jobs offered the inventor $63 million for 10% of the company. [...] the inventor turned it down..."

"The first time Steve Jobs stepped on a Segway, he refused to climb off... [...] Jobs "thought the machine was as original & enthralling as the PC, and felt he HAD to be involved."

"Steve Jobs was famous for making big bets based on intuition rather than systematic analysis. [...] Three major forces left him overconfident about the Segway's potential: domain inexperience, hubris & enthusiasm."

"... Jobs was enamored with the possibility that the next breakthrough innovation would be in transportation. The Segway was an engineering marvel & riding it was a thrill." [...] "But products don't create value. Customers do."

The connection that "people are rejecting the WEF" & the Segway/Jobs story is that just because there MAY be a good idea & all your cohorts are agreeing with you, doesn't mean that its going to 'play in Peoria'. Schwab & his cronies didn't seem to take into account that 'we, the little people' wouldn't go along with his & the WEF's plan.

"For the want of a nail the shoe was lost". I'd like to think that something that simplistic would be the downfall of the WEF. (Sigh)

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