You may have heard about fake lab grown meat, but have you heard about this?
Have you ever thought to yourself that making fake lab grown human breast milk would be a good idea?
Well, seems like Bill Gates has.
Because a few years back, an investment firm founded by Bill Gates invested a whopping $3.5 million into a company called Biomilq.
Apparently, lab grown breast milk is supposed to be more ”climate friendly” than infant formula that is made on cow milk.
The investment firm is called Breakthrough Energy Ventures and they focus on so called climate solutions.
Now, Biomilq worked to produce human breast milk outside the human body. In other words, fake lab grown breast milk. Now this sounds like a horrible idea.
They would do this by using cultured human mammary epithelial cells to produce breast milk.
Making human breast milk in a lab and then feeding it to babies. Nope, no thank you.
What is happening to this world? They are giving toxic chemicals to cows in order to reduce their farts to stop climate change and many more crazy ideas.
Interestingly, Bill Gates also just happened to invest large amounts of money into the very same company that is producing Bovaer, the chemical they give to reduce cow farts.
But now there is a major problem for this company Biomilq.
They have filed for bankruptcy.
Biomilq raised $21 million, but apparently they have faced lawsuits from the ex-husband of one of the co-founders.
Perhaps they also realized that nobody would want to buy this stuff either.
Anyway, it is good news for babies everywhere!
You might know that after I exposed how a cult were engaged in what many consider to be grooming behavior towards young girls, I have been attacked with lawfare.
I have also been harassed by local police. Instead of investigating the cult, the police knocked on my door and interrogated me and harassed me.
They even ILLEGALLY tried to enter into my house when I was travelling, without any reason nor court order.
This is unprecedented.
I am under attack.
My lawyers are now on the case, and I will update you more on the developments shortly.
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I swear, the more I read about Bill Gates the more I'm convinced that he has a Clinker in his Thinker. No one I know will think this is a good idea like no one is going to eat bugs, either. Leave us alone Gates, no one wants what you're pushing down our throats. You're not normal!
The first I heard about Gates’ Biomilq was during the baby formula shortage. Weird how old Bill seems to be right there with his investments whenever crises occur. I mean, vaccines and testing were right up his alley with the 2020 outbreak. Lab grown meat while cows are being culled after too much farting. The man is incredible anticipating the little people’s needs…almost like he’s causing these crises…but that’s crazy, right?
Finally, I wonder where the Biomilq organization got its healthy breast tissue. Girls don’t just voluntarily give that up, do they?