I swear, the more I read about Bill Gates the more I'm convinced that he has a Clinker in his Thinker. No one I know will think this is a good idea like no one is going to eat bugs, either. Leave us alone Gates, no one wants what you're pushing down our throats. You're not normal!
I think Planet Pluto is the place to go for Gates. It's a planet that's furthest away. Your idea and my idea are both good ideas. Take that Bill Gates!
The first I heard about Gates’ Biomilq was during the baby formula shortage. Weird how old Bill seems to be right there with his investments whenever crises occur. I mean, vaccines and testing were right up his alley with the 2020 outbreak. Lab grown meat while cows are being culled after too much farting. The man is incredible anticipating the little people’s needs…almost like he’s causing these crises…but that’s crazy, right?
Finally, I wonder where the Biomilq organization got its healthy breast tissue. Girls don’t just voluntarily give that up, do they?
I heard a rumor, unconfirmed of course, that someone named Gates is a lab-manufactured android. If true, that explains a lot. Now, just to be clear, that rumor is totally unconfirmed. My source denies any connection to Bill Gates the Microsoft maven.
I swear, the more I read about Bill Gates the more I'm convinced that he has a Clinker in his Thinker. No one I know will think this is a good idea like no one is going to eat bugs, either. Leave us alone Gates, no one wants what you're pushing down our throats. You're not normal!
Hey, Bill, retire already to a lovely corner of the world - preferably far away from the U.S.
I think Planet Pluto is the place to go for Gates. It's a planet that's furthest away. Your idea and my idea are both good ideas. Take that Bill Gates!
Bravo!! Hadn't even thought of that. "Paging Mr. Musk!.... Paging Mr. Musk!"
That is too funny ''paging Mr. Musk. Good One!
Understatement of the century
The first I heard about Gates’ Biomilq was during the baby formula shortage. Weird how old Bill seems to be right there with his investments whenever crises occur. I mean, vaccines and testing were right up his alley with the 2020 outbreak. Lab grown meat while cows are being culled after too much farting. The man is incredible anticipating the little people’s needs…almost like he’s causing these crises…but that’s crazy, right?
Finally, I wonder where the Biomilq organization got its healthy breast tissue. Girls don’t just voluntarily give that up, do they?
Hmm, where did they get the cells to produce this lab grown breast milk?
Leftover body parts from sex-change operations.
Oh and dont forget the mosquitoes story. ! It seems some people only think up evil and more evil.
I heard a rumor, unconfirmed of course, that someone named Gates is a lab-manufactured android. If true, that explains a lot. Now, just to be clear, that rumor is totally unconfirmed. My source denies any connection to Bill Gates the Microsoft maven.
Bill Gates is the 21st century L. Ron Hubbard - C.R.A.ZY.