
By the way, I wish everyone of you a Merry Christmas.

Remember the reason we celebrate - The Prince of Peace came as the greatest gift ever known!

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You know it's time to quit your job when you arrest a perfectly harmless, peaceful woman.

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They are so brave, protecting the public from this menace of praying SILENTLY...

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Thought police....we need a miracle.

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UK police really are scum.

And gutless scum at that.

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I have very bad experience with them. When the family dog was poisoned after far-left extremists doxed my adress online, the police more or less ignored it and said it was my fault for being well known online.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

I’m shocked, but somehow not surprised, to hear that a lefty would poison your dog (I hope the dog survived).

Im also shocked, but not surprised, to hear that the cops weren’t helpful in trying to find who did it. No matter what your political views, no spouse, child, or animal should be subject to harm by assholes trying to make a point.....and the cops should never ignore it.

These stories sound a little too close to 1930s Germany for my taste.

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As has been said before, 1984 was a warning, not a how-to manual, unfortunately it appears that there are many politicians who are so insecure in their status that thought crime seems reasonable.

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1984 is quickly becoming a documentary at this point.

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Orwell was part of the Intelligence Community so I trust his book was a how to manual indeed.

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They always seem to tell us what They're going to do before They do it.

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Absolutely. Every single time.

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I hope hundreds of silent prayers show up at that corner tomorrow.

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Absolutely terrible.

May people repent and turn to God, then He will heal our land.

Then a great spiritual revival may happen.

Or God please come and rapture the Church.

Not Our Will, but Yours.

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I would never describe a Christian silently praying as 'harassment', they are a world apart, but it seems there was a court enforced 'exclusion zone' (of 150m I think) around the abortion centre that she breached, and was arrested for. What needs clarification though is whether silent prayer can be classed as 'protest', I. E. a breach of su H orders, which IMHO, should not be. If we allow silent prayer to be legislated against, we enter dangerous territory.

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There was indeed a censorship zone of 150 metres around the abortion clinic, which in itself is a big breach of freedom.

And she wasn't even protesting, she was merely thinking the wrong thoughts (praying) while being within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.

What this means is that you are not allowed to pray, not even privately in your own thoughts if you are within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.

It's absolutely crazy.

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I totally agree, if they're doing this now, I can't imagine what else will be In store for us

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Think silently what's in store for them

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They actually had to ask her if she was praying before they arrested her....

So silent prayer is illegal in the UK?

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Another example of Clown World...

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Not clowns evil

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Not a Thought Crime.

A new category being hatched: Spirit Crime.

Confirming it’s a Spiritual War.

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I agree, it's very disturbing, it is beginning.

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Peter,where exactly are you a journalist? Just wondering why you are so interested in things happening in England if you are in Sweden?

Anyway,what you have highlighted In Birmingham is clearly ridiculous,and should be condemned.

I am a retired police officer,and I can tell you now I would refuse to arrest a woman standing silently praying.

I am pretty sure that this is to do with a nearby abortion clinic and the police did refer to previous incidents.

Whichever way I look at it,it is a very sad state of affairs.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

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I heard that Britain was going to be the staging ground for the WEF 15 min suburbs. I am assuming you know what I am referring to, if not I'll explain. However, it is shocking to hear how quickly it all came together. We're still trying to get people to say no to the Vax, and boosters! At 1st they thought we were crazy....trying to get them to believe anything about the WEF....seems impossible. Very saddened.

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The question then becomes, did the court order specifically name this woman and/or other named people, or a general exclusion? If specifically named people, then the court order must hold (but still be challenged), but if general, then indeed an unwarrented restriction of religious freedoms. Anyway, if you are praying silently, how can the police know?

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I wonder how much the local "officials" are being bribed or blackmailed to enforce this tyranny and how high up in the Brit government these bribes/blackmail goes? I wonder how much the "officials" involved are being bribed by the abortion clinics? Eventually, the truth of exactly who is doing this behind the scene will be revealed to the public. I think that most of the police that are making these arrests know they're enforcing insane laws, but also know that if they don't they'll be sacked and won't be able to feed their families. The smaller percentage of the police are themselves psychopaths.

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Ohhhh, you had better be careful, the Bobbies will be coming for you!!

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Breaks my heart what we have come to, how the demons fear prayer, well i would pray 151m away from this clinic and pray in tongues!

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